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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Agathokakological - Both good and evil

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Agathokakological - Both good and evil


Hearts swim in seas of gray

never utterly white nor black,

always tainted by powers

that lure towards the sun

and also the night


It is the war that goes undeclared

as eyes search by the tug upon the mind,

one moment looking for chapels and clouds

the next a den full of forbidden secrets.


The tongue tries to explain it all,

a prayer one second then curse the next,

but we can’t escape the spells within,

love and hate mixing together,

making each day a battle

sometimes wearing ivory armor others ebony,

ever trapped at the crossroads of in between,

not completely corrupt or pure.


How we struggle to create the fairy tales

where one of the two dominions controls life

and will be the victor in their duel.


Yet, we continue to walk in the reality

hands can either reach out to help

or to try and steal from others.

Each day stumbling over those impulses,

wanting to be so charitable and kind,

still unable to silence those murmurs

crying out within

to avenge in some violent manner

what inflames the villain

sleeping in our mental closet.




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