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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Stripes Of Hope

In any sky that thunders through our lives

weathered eyes look for the stripes

of archways leading to changes

that bond the heart to hope’s light.


They are the bows we find

by looking beyond any passing shower

beyond the grayish mantle of despair

to the horizon yet to come.


We paint their many colors of inspiration

by our memory’s easel,

using them as brush strokes

across those cloudy views

creating a tapestry that reminds,

what rained down upon our soul today

will evaporate and clear in due time.


Each band touches with its sway,

claret is the hue of passion’s tint

giving each step taken its fire,

emerald is the color that glows

with a power in conviction

keeping the feet walking through any drops,

sapphire is the aura bringing devotion

wrapping one in the soothing tones of serenity,

violet is that wave of strength,

which swirls the insides in a wine of resolve,

and amber is the stain in confidence

summoning a feel of sweet honeyed euphoria

enabling one to stroll towards a destination

as if under an umbrella

even when getting totally soaked.



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