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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: January 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I dared to dream no night would kill my light,
refused a lantern for its counterfeit help,
denied a candle because of brevity’s fleeting fortune,
rejected a flashlight for fear batteries would fail,
painting sun’s upon a blanket
holding it up against the darkness
convinced its imagine would protect
against the black pitfalls,
closing eyes to envision day,
walking ahead assured my golden image
inspired by confidence
would shield against any obstacles.

Falling down repeatedly,
no blackness would I let prevail
over my faith in a noon’s deliverance,
as long as I didn’t stop holding onto my sun paintings.
Beset of bruises,
pelted by the steady paced
with so many stumbling steps,
was pride in tan supremacy
that drove my passions towards the dawn,
unwilling to risk any beam
gleamed from less than a star
as a ray with permanent hope,
ardently avowing assurance in morning’s victory,
dragging broken leg suffered from tripping during eve,
not caring the pain, nor allowing it to ruin
my processional against the villains of illumination,
they might defeat my stroll with some brutal pause,
but as long as I can believe in sunshine
and boast it to others
then my persona of uplifting simmer will prevail
even if eventually I end up a cripple.

Friday, January 30, 2009


In the world, unique is often treated as special. Different as in contrast to normal or acceptable is not embraced.

This is always our nature and tendency. We want something distinct, but not in a way that is threatening.

Nope that will never work. For it will cause problems. Because it reminds of our own imprisonment.

Oh we might not admit it, but we feel it. And it does intrude upon our ability to function. How odd it is though that the antihero or rebel is at times admired.

To the point we appreciate their freedom and courage. As long as it doesn’t threaten us in some way.

That is the part, which creates problems. Because we never enjoy being reminded of our own limitations.

Wish it was otherwise, but we know that is not the case. Just a nature in our being to appreciate true freedom, just not want it to intrude on our own reality.

But that is okay. When it truly brings some point of discovery. A time we can feel comfortable about life and good about ourselves.

Just hard when it doesn’t represent truth. If we ignore what matters. Then we can have all kinds of problems.

And that will bear down upon us in so many different ways. Just a process we won’t always see as beneficial.

To that end God does through His Holy Spirit empower. He blesses us with an enhancement of what is akin to our nature.

And it can be such a joy to have that quality. Savor it for all the rarity it represents. So we can celebrate what is special in our lives.

And to feel good along the way. Does it change the world? Not always. Can it? Yes.
So it will have such potential.

If we allow it to. And if we listen to God’s spirit along the way. For that is blessing that endures when we allow it to.

And it will bring its own special peace. One that allows us to stand against the wind. To focus by faith.

Then celebrate being alone if needed to savor His grace.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


What banner we can wave in pursuit of some noble endeavors. And on those crusades we can feel so wonderful.

Just doesn’t mean they are all truly noble. Giving it some spiritual twist doesn’t help. Well if it isn’t really ordained in some way by the Lord.

You can take the time to claim God is the author of so many things. And you may even believe it.

Only problem is that God may not have inspired it. And didn’t even in anyway give a hint He was involved

Now for me this is in part rather simple. You have to base in on what the Lord has said in His word.

That is not hard to figure out from my view. I’ve heard so many who take the time to say the Lord said something.

Only they either don’t know His word or what they say God told them disagrees with scripture.

Now for me His word is enough. Oh it is great when He reveals himself in some special way.

But if not, His word should be sufficient. However that requires a person to take the time to read it.

And you always get the ones that will talk about how the bible is subject to misinterpretation. How you can’t be sure about any given translation.

I think those are just excuse. Nice and easy ways of justifying not reading. Sort of like whatever will make it work.

But then all of that is other than helpful if you really want to know the Lord. And it can be less than helpful in the long run.

Just makes it other that truly a source of wisdom. Oh it will have some kind of guiding light.

However it won’t one the Lord has shined. So it becomes a candle that will dim in time. As so many things do.

So we can hopefully look in the right place. Not miss the truth because it is where we don’t care to check.

Then celebrate when it becomes a truth we accept.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


To have a vision and be encourage change will come can give so much strength. It does truly make the trip far more enduring.

What will haunt and nag at the heart is when you have to deal with the uncertainty of not knowing when the journey ends. Or where you’ll be when it does.

Not every moment in life has those turns. Some truly do grant us the sight of our destination.

Those are far more encouraging. You just be faithful and you will reach your goal. It will always be the focus of hope and a joy to know it will end.

But I think those are more the rare occasion than the norm. The times are more often gear towards what isn’t known.

This is the way of faith. It isn’t always they way we want, but it is part of the journey. And we can’t reach a point it stops.

But the joy comes when one hurdle is overcome. When we pass some barrier that was so hard to defeat.

This is the part of life with a spiritual joy that truly comes from the Lord. It can warm in the winter of questions.

For it is the race that everyone wins. Providing one finishes. And some sadly don’t. They will abandon the walk.

Oh there are all kinds of reasons. Fear and fatigue. But it is failure that truly does kill the most.

For that is when we just give up. Any visions end, all the happiness dies. What remains is indifference.

You just stop caring. And that is when we reach that wilderness. The area where nothing really grows.

Except that you lose any sense of caring. Just no hope or dreams. This never helps with the trip.

And for those who stop and don’t keep walking the days will grow so cold. They will never find the warmth they once had.

All that is sadness. Times of a when that only gets worse. For when one stops trusting the Lord it never helps.

And we all can hopefully learn from the trip.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Oh merciful Heavenly Father
I lift my praise unto you
that my voice would always be
a harp before your thorn.

May your horn of faith
never stop sounding its music
within my soul,
nor allow my lips to stop
from giving thanks
for the rich abundance of your grace.

Let my heart never lose
the joy of feeling your Holy Spirit’s presence
to feel the love and peace abide
coming as an assuring wind over my despair
when I have fallen into a valley
and all the world seems filled with darkness.

Grant me God to always have eyes
seeing your hand upon every sky and slope,
reminding me of your word in promise
so I shall be a flame of witness
ever burning with desire
to show the light of your forgiveness,
which is so ceaseless in its bounty.

Guide my steps so they always are filled with hope,
which will become my song of rejoice
sung constantly in gratitude
before your throne of everlasting compassion.

Monday, January 26, 2009


This is when you find out there is a lot more to some incident than you imagined. Hopefully in a good way.

No fun when it is a pain. Or just have to cope with some aspect that means you didn’t have all the facts.

Now if you have taken the time to try and make things understood. So sure you know the truth.

Only problem is how the mind can truly deceive itself. To be allowed to invent explanations that distort the truth.

I can’t think of how many times I have experienced that. Done it myself too often. And never gets good results.

No matter how often we do it, that doesn’t prevent us from doing it again. Not quite the path of learning.

How the mind can spill the words that sound so impressive. All the futile comments that cover the reality in some dressing.

To make it all seem so real and worthwhile. Only it will not endure in terms of being possible.

Just be a fable that we place in our heads to think it is all the life can be. Just not till the disaster comes do we finally discard the illusion.

How sad it is when we let this color our faith. I doubt anyone loves to chronicle all the time we did dumb things spiritually.

I imagine that is true for life in general. But doesn’t keep us from still behaving that way. Even when it doesn’t help.

Pride will always inhibit self discovery. It will deter the ability to truly learn. Just keep us where we can lie to ourselves.

And thank goodness that the Lord is merciful and forgiving. Even when we insist on making the same mistakes over and over again.

At least His love doesn’t stop even when we do get stupid. Admitting it perhaps is the hardest lesson of all.

But it is so freeing when we accept grace. And stop pretending we don’t sin. So hard to reach that point.

And such a blessing when we do.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Posted on the head, the thoughts we can forget. Some will always do their best to let such things control them.

How easy the mind is control that way. Some past memories killing the mood and destroying hope.

This burden the heart and drains it of any ability to try. How easy one can be crippled by such things.

And when it comes to the times we feel that way it is a time for faith. To trust to the Lord for help.

But that is when it comes to the point of acceptance. To not allow the image to fester til the notice becomes a for sale sign on the soul.

Now to avoid this problem means to rely upon the Lord. The true aid for doubt is faith. But in the Lord.

It is easy to succumb to doubts. So naturally to let circumstances crush. But it is so hard to always overcome.

That is the part you have to battle. To not let it have the victory. But it only can happen with the Lord’s help.

Because He can empower in ways that will help overcome the problems. And it does take time.

Maybe not the kind you will see as the way you like. For the Lord really does decide our best needs.

And it will only help when of others. And that will be the ones He places before us. Only we have to be willing to trust Him.

Not everyone can do this. Not everyone wants to be free of their notices. They prefer to just complain.

This never improves things. But we can enjoy the misery perhaps. Just won’t bring a blessing.

Not in the long run. But that is a matter of how much we try to make it realistic. That will only deter.

And that is never a help. Not in terms of progress. For that I only can see the joy in the Lord.
He brings us so much that helps.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


The rage inside was as massive as his colossal form
towering over man and beast,
pride of his Philistine countrymen,
feared and adored in his home of Gath.

But all the praise could not curtail his hate
for the people of Hebrew blood
who had killed in brother.

How it consumed him
made his huge from grow so tense,
on the battlefield none dared
face his fierce and giant shape.

Champion of is people,
with a predator’s heart,
no sense of mercy for the enemy
that all he sought was their death,
vicious eyes having no light of conscience
faith only his the power of his arms.

Within his heart there beat
not a single stroke of faith
never having seen the gods of land
answer a single prayer,
cold and hard was his spirit,
only filled with a lust for slaughter.

Upon that rugged Judean landscape,
where the heart and arid climate
cause the sweat to pour from the skin,
it took the effort of more than one
just to carry his weapons.

Stomping out before the armies of Israel
his voice booming as thunder,
challenging them for forty days
to summon one courageous soul
who duel in fatal clash
victor determining the winner of their war.

Oh how they ire burnt to deep
after one small youth came near his feet,
quickly would he destroy his insect
being a descendant of Abraham.

One flight of a smooth stone
from a shepherd boy’s sling,
ended the boasts of this menace
his head severed and taken to Saul the King.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Some have fostered the idea that the forbidden fruit was an apple. The Bible never says what kind of fruit was on the tree of life.

In any event apples are a type of fruit and one that I personally enjoy. They grow in orchards and have seasons.

I understand that there are thousands of different types. Only had experience with a few. But they definitely are unique.

I remember once reading an interpretation of the difference between being called and chosen. The call was invite of the gospel to everyone.

But the commentator pointed out that to be chosen was like going through the fruit in a produce stand and picky out the one that is ripe. Which is how it was pointed out the Lord chooses people.

Now whatever He sees in each life it is the ones that have ripen in term of spirituality that end up being chosen. Those who truly accept being an apple and not something else.

By that I mean other than something that isn’t nutritious and digestible on the level that can serve His will. And help others how need such food.

But just like an apple we have our flaws. We do have a core. An inside beneath the surface is the carnal part.

A core that is sinful and can’t be beneficial to others. And the Lord uses us despite this fact.

Just try to get some to accept their core is lustful. It is like spiritual removes the part of ones life that is still human.

Oh how we love to not accept that part. To treat it as if we are so complete and ripe a purity exists.

It is a wonderful fantasy. Just not very realistic. But some will always act as if that it is the truth.

Which often deters from them being chosen. Oh yes it does. But they don’t see that. Well not that you can tell from their words.

It is all a corruption. A deception that impedes one’s relationship with the Lord. And to the point we can spoil in the process.

But we might not admit it. And that is where we are left to merely become dried out.

Just won’t always notice it.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


The way the soul can get so crush by a dire change. How little it takes to destroy enthusiasm.

To take the wind out of the desire to see and feel beyond the day. Now that is so sad when it leaves one spiritually destitute.

A condition where there is just no motivation to keep trying. It is such a numbing feeling, so very crippling.

And the nature of the heart makes it worse. For if there is no capacity to reach out and want to truly embrace what isn’t seen then it won’t beat through the valleys.

Stamina is one thing, but it takes a passion too. A need inside the truly accepts the Lord means what He says.

This is more than just a view of faith. It is the emotive need to anticipate. To be willing to not give up.

Yet it can’t be a Pollyanna view either. For false optimism never helps to strengthen. It will only lead to less that helpful results.

Fact must exist. Trust must be seen. Otherwise it is not a balanced view. And will not end with realistic understanding.

To take the problems of the heart and give them some spiritual interpretation doesn’t always help. It never solves anything.

For one is left more destitute by avoidance than anything. Because when the truth is sacrificed about sin and our choices, nothing is really gained.

Forgiveness comes from accepting one’s sins, not from trying to avoid guilt. This is such a common problem.

I’ve seen it so often. And the person ends up with a false type of peace. Never one based on truth.

It doesn’t end with the type of enlightenment that truly blesses. Just a tale one tells to cushion the sense of guilt.

Sadly it is the journey too often taken. A trip into a desert where denial rules. Hearts not in the place to find the joy.

Just rumbling through the thought tumbleweeds. Feeling them leave their barbs. Trying to keep moving.

Hoping it doesn’t end with

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The constant knowing, the predictable times when life is without drama or fantasies. And you get consumed by the inevitable boredom.

This is never what we hope. Nor is it what we desire. You can put any spin you want on rituals and other things done on a regular basis, but sooner or later they will have times they lose their luster.

Now to pretend that boring is not boring is other than profitable. Oh you might excuse it or a while, but sooner or later it will get to you.

It is fun to watch the movies make every person colorful. Doesn’t matter how dull they might seen at first sooner or later the writer will paint them as appealing.

This is not to say that it works this way in real life. I wish it did. But we just never get those times when it becomes what we want.

Now for me I think I am willing to accept that life isn’t going to always be full of smiles. And there are going to be quiet times.

But to set your mind on becoming something you are not doesn’t works either. See so many who try.

Course you don’t hear too many who make trying to get the Lord’s approval as their priority. Now that is the rarity.

Oh you do get those who will do it in a way to impress. They will always make it so exciting in their own interpretation.

Yet why they see that as necessary I’m not sure. For the life of faith isn’t always one that lends itself to such realities.

Doesn’t mean it has to be boring either. Just that it needs honesty. Sure hard to find at times.

Wish that wasn’t the case. I don’t think I will ever appreciate the joy of trying to massage the truth in that sense.

Oh it happens every day with life. So many commercials are the carrot we are supposed to crave.

But with the Lord, He is who He is. And trying to paint Him differently never does accomplish much.

Other than leave questions. Ones that we never end up answering. Just finding out the don’t become our view of reality.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Earthquakes rolling deep inside,
ripping fissures within my calm,
faults crossing through the brain,
shaking in such shivering fractures
the mental plains of serene.

Anxiety is an executioner
keeping nerves in an electric chair,
unbearable is the waiting
for senses to be fried,
ever second spent not reaching
the place planned to stop
becomes a heart pounding symphony,
a hell of flaming torturous ants
crawling around inside the gut,
which never stop biting
until the agony passes.

Living on the top floor
in an emotional house of cards,
collapsing at slightest pause
of the movement in expectation’s watch.

Patient is a imitation raiment
tattered and frayed,
it never fit correctly
no tailor found to make adjustments,
covered in images of stress dominoes
standing in a cerebral fragile line,
easily knocked over by slightest shift in time.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Now this is never easy for me. I really do find this so hard to accept at times. Just get to anxious.

Some people can savor the nature of life and its chaotic times. Others like me just get frustrated be them.

So the times when things don’t work right you do you best to find ways to accept it and not give up hope. There is always a chance.

One can always enjoy the process if you see the chance. I have trouble doing that at times.

It is hard to see those times. To be able to see what is possible. Not always an easy option.

Faith does hold onto the idea and vision of hope. That God can do the impossible and will be willing to change thing as He desires.

However that is never the way that always lends encouragement to a moment. It is not what some desire.

We get all caught up in our expectations and then never keep in focus what is important. Namely eternity.

Which the Lord’s spirit will always do. He will make sure we don’t lost touch with that process.

Oh we might get blinded at times. We might fail to always appreciate the way it comes out in terms of results.

So one just has to struggle with the abiding ability to trust. To not let go of God’s word even though the day denies its reality.

To continue to trust and believe even in the darkness is a struggle. No reason to pretend it is otherwise.

But God’s grace can empower with mercy and strength. He can see us through any storm.

And to that end we do have the joy of knowing He is more powerful that any problem. That brings the comfort in times of quiet.

It isn’t always a fun trip. It isn’t always the journey we crave. But it is the one that matters.
For it is guided by the Lord.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


There is something to be said for being good in a general sense. You might not excel at everything but can do all things reasonably well.

Now the problem as a person is that you just might not enjoy the lack of limelight. The times you must serve in silence.

To be a member of a team and not the captain can be hard to endure at times. You may not be all that thrilled with just helping.

And it can be harder if the person you see as in charge falls short of what you think is a good leader. So you question their right to lead.

In daily life this is an issue that comes up lots of times. The rewards for faithfulness are never the same as the rewards for being in charge.

We do not honor privates the way we do generals. The person standing at the front is always seen first.

I think in most situations this is a reality we just tolerate. Egos get in the way, favoritism and politics ensue.

And to that degree I myself often have been less than thrilled with the way life doles out success. But one doesn’t give up in the process.

In the spiritual realm things should be different. We should be able to focus on the Lord’s will.

However pride does interfere. And churches sadly can be another portrait of the same nature in how people are treated as the rest of life.

Which is not the way the Lord desires life to be. And it might be why there are so many times when His choices for anointing are different than our expectations.

Let the person we think is other that qualified or deserving be empowered by the Holy
Spirit and it will not bring a celebration. This is the nature of human behavior.

And I think that we all need that reality check at times. To accept the mantle He bestows with praise.

Let it be the garment we wear and accept for the right reasons. For it will dress us as He intends.

The greatest victory for the spirit is to win the war over self. To love and give without a care for glory.

Just being happy for how life unfolds in His ways.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Blooms of the soul born before wisdom’s stirring light,
drooping when truth’s rays fall into shadows,
but they still express the beauty of their being,
as the petals of the sun,
from the Lord’s seeds sown upon mortal soil .

His love abiding always in their spreading silent elegance,
who make a garden full of compassion’s fragrance
among the thistles and thorns littering the heart’s landscape.

Oh mercy’s spring that rises inside as an exquisite serene splendor
as a harvest in the renewal of one’s sleeping spirit’s sunflower.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The First Time

The First Time

There is something so magical with new experiences. We are so alive and focused. It can be so memorable at times.

Now not all first experiences are positive. And when they are not then you can be sure that will also be remembered.

I was dealing with this person the other day and you could tell they were not happy. It was definitely part of the individuals nature.

I thought how sad it was that the person was so sad. Really felt more compassion for them that anything.

Just was not able to cope in a degree with all the hostility. That was the hard part. Because this I could sensed was driven by some hurt or deep pain.

It made the person cold and bitter. Full of hate instead of love. That grim face the pure sense of somberness prevailed.

I’m not sure that alone drove my thoughts, but really the thing I could notice out of this is how often hate really does fuel such things. It maybe self hate or anger directed towards others, but it does cause problems.

So sad to. For we all face trials in life. Those times we are confronted with crisis. And those when life is blessed.

Just so difficult to always over come such things. Or keep them from making us angry at the world.

Still I can’t say that will give life any joy. How can you savor life if you don’t even focus on any good?

I am grateful that the Lord is able to help us in such situations. But we have to be willing to accept His help.

I have known so many people who had faith, but really didn’t in any way bother to find the up side of life. Some negative thought dogged them it seemed. Kept them from being able to enjoy.

And that was truly sad. For can one truly trust the Lord for good if we only expect the bad?

We know the answer even if we don’ t care to admit it. That is part of the process of acceptance.

And we know that is not always easy to embrace.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


To stuff all the world in boxes,
is to bury every enigma
under a scroll of black and white images,
neatly tying up every dangling fragment
in a bow of theories
so the ghostly inner voice of if
becomes muffled
until you don’t hear the moans
from reason’s specter
the questions left as gray thorns
sticking in the eyes.

Beyond the mind’s wrappings
dwells the soul’s thoughts,
able to gaze where cartons can not reach,
not needing to use logic’s tape
for holding together every puzzle,
even when pieces are missing.

Trusting more to hands unseen
felt as a wind,
which always brings gifts of mystery
you appreciate for the hues of irony,
not fretting they don’t always reveal their truths.

Happy in the willingness to believe
what eludes the microscope of deduction
becomes just another postcard from heaven

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The blank space where hope is written in the mind. It can be the joy if one finds the right options.

What we place upon that canvas is the measure of our souls. It is the truth within that we must face.

Not that we want to. But just have so much trouble not scribbling. We would love it to always be a masterpiece.

Some work of art we can show others. An image to be proud to display. But we smear it by accident.

And no about of thinner seems to help. So that is when we try to cover it over with more paint.

Now when it becomes too much of a problem you just keep adding layers. Until it gets too thick to carry.

Then it becomes to heavy to carry. So one gets so exhausted from the weight. Still you do feel an obligation to still use it.

The longer you do the worse it becomes. Just more problems add to the toting. Life is like that at times.

And the only true form of help comes from the Lord. He can wash away that old paint. In ways that let the truth be seen.

Only it doesn’t work if we spend our time denying the canvas is in need of help. So they still refuse any change.

Miserable and other than content the heart just refuses to accept that painting needs to be redone. Known people who live that way.

I’ve seen them cling to some abstract conviction long after it stop making sense even to them. Then it just gets worse.

However pride can get in the way. It just makes the mind insist everything is okay. And then ignore the facts.

Until the time stops coming when you care. That is the danger point. You just don’t allow the change to come.

It decays inside and you totally give up. You might live for years, but inside death comes. How sad to live that way.

Even more so to never change.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Who doesn’t wish we could somehow rent out all the empty spaces in our lives to an angel. Maybe I’m the only one who thinks of that.

Still it would be nice to imagine times such as that. Those little moments of mercy that truly bless.

God doesn’t promise those kinds of solutions. He won’t make that a guarantee for anyone.

True, angels do watch over life. They do observe our behavior and know what we do and pretend we don’t do.

The other day I was having a conversation with a friend. The issue was over the question of what was good.

Now one thing I have come to appreciate is that the Lord did have a plan for humanity. There were means to help us deal with all the vacancies in life.

Unfortunately, life is never in harmony with the Lord’s will since sin was introduced. Nothing works as expected.

Just ends up with so many frustrations. Mainly because we still have those expectations. That is where the problem lies.

We just have this need to crave perfection. And then set our rules according to that standard.

God’s laws are always based on the perfect. Not because He expects us to adhere to perfection.

But because it was to demonstrate how we were incapable of being perfect. And to affirm our need for forgiveness.

Somewhere in the process we altered things by our traditions. So often growing up in the delusion that we can achieve goodness.

Oh the tales I’ve heard. So many stories to explain sin as other than sin. A barter system for trying to say our lives are really okay.

This always leaves holes in our lives. Places vacant of truth. Hollows we try to ignore. And make them seem non-existent.

Holding up morals as if they were something that replaced righteousness. Which never ends up the truth.

All the better to cherish the wonderful message of grace that is God’s sealer for our lives.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Well life can certainly dole out all kinds of filling for us to consumed. So many can be the one thing we seem to need to most inside.

Does it mean it is the right filling? Well depends on how much we can trust to our appetite.

Such is the nature of our passions. They never are related to our needs as much as our cravings.

And when those are touch in some obsessive way, then reason goes right out the window. We watch it fly away and never think twice about it.

But we sure can come up with all kinds of explanations for our choices. Does it mean they are true?

Now that is the part, which is so hard to answer. Well at least in a way that remotely is other than based on impulse.

So we end up with the different forms of frosting we decide will best fit our needs. Oh some taste great, but never really satisfy.

And for the mind we are more prone to base our decisions purely on emotional choices. The ones that we keep telling you that as long as it feels good that is what counts.

Naturally we have so many ways to justify those type of fillings. And the stories we can invent.

Most of it become a journey we make in our heads, always with some detours so we don’t have to admit it was perhaps mistake. And so often we never take time to seek the Lord in the process.

This is the fact of life, which is not always a source of boasting. Not if we are honest. Which can be less than what we hope.

All of which is where the Lord is the one who will truly guide. For He is merciful to us in that sense.

Always taking the time to let us see what is truly a blessing in that regard. Only we can’t always appreciate it.

So that is when we will hopefully learn. And gain a new perspective of what truly counts in terms of satisfying.

This is the caked that is bake in Heaven’s over. It will always bless in so many ways. If we learn to accept the flavor as the joy intended.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


How cruel the stones
that come from tongues,
leaving the heart’s vase in shards ,
as puzzle missing pieces,
they never cast a perfect image
made worse when trampled upon
by the feet who love to crush
another’s fragile features.

To seek the light
still shining in the ruins
gleams what is radiant
that didn’t die
when words are a meteor
crashing into your mind,
exploding as an atomic bomb,
leaving every looking glass memory
shattered and unable to be reassembled.
not able to still see the truth
after someone’s verbal missiles
destroyed one’s glass house of joy
using their insult rockets
launched from hateful lips.

Taking time to gather the remains
of the fractured self-portrait,
trying to remind oneself
it will never reflect all that is inside,
for it only tells part of one’s story,
the rest is a tale only the mind can share,
which never depends upon a face’s features
in order to be expressed.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Some have fostered the idea that the forbidden fruit was an apple. The Bible never says what kind of fruit was on the tree of life.

In any event apples are a type of fruit and one that I personally enjoy. They grow in orchards and have seasons.

I understand that there are thousands of different types. Only had experience with a few. But they definitely are unique.

I remember once reading an interpretation of the difference between being called and chosen. The call was invite of the gospel to everyone.

But the commentator pointed out that to be chosen was like going through the fruit in a produce stand and picky out the one that is ripe. Which is how it was pointed out the Lord chooses people.

Now whatever He sees in each life it is the ones that have ripen in term of spirituality that end up being chosen. Those who truly accept being an apple and not something else.

By that I mean other than something that isn’t nutritious and digestible on the level that can serve His will. And help others how need such food.

But just like an apple we have our flaws. We do have a core. An inside beneath the surface is the carnal part.

A core that is sinful and can’t be beneficial to others. And the Lord uses us despite this fact.

Just try to get some to accept their core is lustful. It is like spiritual removes the part of ones life that is still human.

Oh how we love to not accept that part. To treat it as if we are so complete and ripe a purity exists.

It is a wonderful fantasy. Just not very realistic. But some will always act as if that it is the truth.

Which often deters from them being chosen. Oh yes it does. But they don’t see that. Well not that you can tell from their words.

It is all a corruption. A deception that impedes one’s relationship with the Lord. And to the point we can spoil in the process.

But we might not admit it. And that is where we are left to merely become dried out.

Just won’t always notice it.

Friday, January 09, 2009


Soil is the place in our heart where our lives sprout. It can be good earth or filled with rocks and hard to farm.

Then there are the weeds. The thoughts and other things that can interfere with its fertility.

We all have those roots in our nature that will sprout as things that will detract from the garden God would raise in our lives. This is true for all live.

I do feel that in eternity one thing that will happen is that everyone will who stands before the Lord will see what potential they truly had in life. This will not be a judgment.

It is part of the eternal preparation. For in heaven I genuinely believe that are abilities truly become realized.

We become what God intended, but without the limitations of this life. And this gives us the joy of feeling complete.

I can’t imagine any greater happiness than a chance to do what you are best at in a perfect climate and forever. And to do it to the glory of the Lord makes it even more wonderful.

The thing is to me is that we may not even know all our real talents. However, the Lord will reveal it due time.

And we will use it according to His will and it will truly be a source of what truly satisfies. Hard to imagine such a state, but I know it will be such a blessing.

On the flip side I can see how for those who are not in heaven there is the agony of seeing all the lost opportunities. Each possible gift that they didn’t know about that will never get realized.

What regret could be more painful to them? Perhaps it is speculation, but I can’t imagine it would be a blessing in any way.

I also think it helps to ease the pain for what was never received in life. For if you are given a gift that lasts forever it surely would make up for what was lost here.

Not sure many want to wait. They want now. They want heaven on earth and all things they think will bring happiness.

Waiting doesn’t figure into the equation. And if they can’t have it now then they are miserable.

Such is said side of spirituality when it see this life as more important than eternity. Never the joy that lasts despite what some preach.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


What special moments come when we see a sunrise for the first time. Those times when life has some point of change.

And the mind sees for the very first time. A new light comes before the eyes and we see what we didn’t before.

Then we see all those things that were always there, but with new understanding. This can happen at any point in life.

In the spiritual walk of faith this should happen so often. Because we should always be in process of growth.

Some do and others do not. They reach some point and just stop. Perhaps being tired or just having lost the inspiration.

So the camp out on familiar ground and pitch a tent. It is all they want. Whatever else there is to learn just isn’t important to them.

But to stop wanting more from the Lord is truly sad. To just say this is all in life I want to know is also a tragedy.

What is so unfortunately is how this makes the person decay. You never are able to stand still.

To stop ends up in a form of retreat. Oh you can give lots of excuses. I’ve heard so many.

And they all sound great. Just don’t end up helping. It is when the eyes dull from the hope and the fire stops within that the darkness.

Oh we keep saying someday we will look for the sun again. How we will love to make it part of our lives.

But deep down the resting soul, embracing just being stagnant slowly slips below a sunset in thought. A slow descend below any light.

For that there is only sadness. The type that only gets worse as long as one stops wanting the Lord’s sunrise.

It is the nature of faith at times. To wander and get exhausted, but not treat the fatigue as a time of testing.

For the journey of faith is the soul meant to travel. And that is what we have to travel with gazes towards lights yet reached.

And that is always going to be a compass the Lord sets before us.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Ever have those times when you don’t really want the details about something, just to know it is okay. The mind just doesn’t want to dwell on details.

So if we can have the information kept in a simple then we can feel easier about accepting the information. Which always is treated as a blessing.

This isn’t always a bad option. Brevity can be such a joy at times. Providing what we are able to understand.

With the usual nature of life this is predictable and so ordinary. Just filter out the complications of life and make it easy.

Tell us the facts, but not all the intricate details. I wish all of life could be so easy to digest.

But there are so many times it doesn’t work out that way. And trying to avoid the details doesn’t always work.

The problem comes when we try to do this on a spiritual level. That is when simple is not always the perfect solution.

Instead, we have to be prepared to accept that we won’t have it simple. We may not even have all the answers.

This doesn’t mean we enjoy that. We may keep struggle to always seek to know everything.

However it isn’t possible on a spiritual level. So to that degree faith again demands certain focus.

It is the willingness to put the soul before the mind in terms of thinking. To be able to keep in mind trust doesn’t require having a perfect knowledge.

And the real joy is that one does know in God’s presence it will all be clear. I can imagine it will be such a joy.

To be able to at last understand all that we didn’t know in this life. That is aspect that can truly be so comforting.

The idea that eventually we will see what doesn’t make sense now. And how thrilling it is to think we shall understand.

For that we can be grateful. Even if for now we must accept the little pauses in our sight. Just another facet of faith.

One to be treated as a blessing

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Tears drying by time’s whispers
in wind chimes soothing serenity,
bringing their smile to the mind,
ringing the pictures that outshine
when felt lost in valley,
wondering if there would be any joy again.

Sharing the hugs and loses
with the ones who know the scars,
have been apart of the suffering and felt the moments
you just had to find some clown
among the villains that left so many wounds.

Finding out there is no pain
that bears its fire forever
when love had a feather,
which could make us forget
until our insides could dance
and feel alive in the sunshine
coming through any darkness.

Revisiting those snapshots in the head,
feeling the images float through the heart,
holding onto those images as if they were fragile,
until they outlast the faded photos
from those flashed seconds in sorrow.

Looking down at the future in a child’s eyes,
trying so hard to pass on the tickle of hope
so he will have eyes
to find more ways to chuckle
than cry.

Monday, January 05, 2009


How often we place the tokens of our life upon memory’s shelf. Carved and cultivated as a form that we can accept.

Are they truth? Perhaps. Other times they are just made to agree with what we want to belief.

And if we happen to show them to others then we need a story to fit the image. Oh my how many times we do that.

Course they are not necessarily accurate. That is the part that we just don’t manage to get to work at times.

Because others can tell if a work of art made by our tongues is genuine or borrowed. Oh we might not agree.

However, it does often come out that way. So we have to take time to be sure we have a really good story.

One that sounds so convincing. That way it can be able to look like what we did was on purpose and makes sense.

Still that doesn’t end up being something that always works in our favor. Reputations often get distracted from the truth.

If we are able to accept that we are not perfect then we don’t need those images to be without a few flaws. Not that it will work out that way.

Pride just gets in the way. And we get even more so when there is some kind of need to give this the Lord’s stamp of approval.

Oh the spiritual tales we can create to make this all seem true. And if we can add or alter the image and say God was responsible.

I can’t think of the times I’ve heard those stories. Oh how spiritual some can make sin sound.

Add a little emotion and even better. Let the emotion roll like you are so sincere and it will really seem so important.

The fact that God doesn’t actually inspire such things is less than helpful. Normally no one quotes His word to support such claims.

Which doesn’t end in a figurine that has any true divine mark upon its creation. We just make it seem that way.

Only it loses its appearance when seen with eyes that know the Lord.

Sunday, January 04, 2009


Ah the nature of creativity. It is I think part of God’s image in man. For He is so very creative.

But we aren’t all creative in the same way. And what comes as inspiration doesn’t necessarily mean the Holy Spirit is involved.

Now it can get tricky when dealing with people who love to claim the Lord told them something. This does happen.

Only normally the Lord doesn’t tell people some of the crazy things I’ve heard some say. And He sure doesn’t contradict His word.

How easy is it to talk so convincingly about something you say is true. And to say God told you makes it even more so.

Only if that isn’t the Lord doing the talking it can sure get crazy. Seems like the logic totally disappears in such situations.

You just can’t win with such people. If you don’t agree with them they act as if you are hard hearted.

And if they are doing something wrong and you point it out they accuse you of persecuting them. No where does their mind accept they might be wrong.

So instead they just keep following the same path even when it causes problems or ends up in disaster. They still don’t quit.

Just becomes an issue of pride. Not that they admit it. And even if what they claim God told them was wrong they still don’t change.

All of which ends up so very sad. Because even if at some point they do finally accept things are working they most of the time don’t acknowledge making an error.

Instead they will just stay silent on the subject. Not willing in any way to face the truth. So it just leaves its ghosts in their faces.

I wish I could even count the times I’ve been wrong in life. Couldn’t even start to tally them.

But then the joy is in knowing they are forgiven and grace abounds. And the comfort comes that being honest about brings peace.

Just a joy that never ends. Because you have the peace of being saved and able to feel good about not being perfect.

By such knowledge spiritual happiness prevails.

Saturday, January 03, 2009


Drooping limbs a silent drape
point to the sobbing sounds
no human ears can hear,
moaned from hearts in deepest ache,
whose bodies are now entombed
in everlasting earthen sleep.

Souls hovering over their immortal fate,
murmur their constant regrets,
a monologue dredge from pains of recollection
over squandered lives
that were spent valuing gold more than hearts,
dwelling now in constant agony
their plots never visited,
their guilt absorbed into the morning fog,
adding to its icy feel.

Each new funeral procession
watched by departed
who see the presence of mourners
as another testimony to their wasted hours.

How their try in such futile ways
to utter their sadness to the living
it is never detected by those they see,
being a song of everlasting lament
only the willow knows.

Friday, January 02, 2009


I think we all know the scent of a new car’s interior. It would be hard to describe, but it is very unique.

There are other things in life that do have a special quality when new. They stand out in our mind because of that quality.

And later when they lose that essence they seem to change. In reality it is often us who have changed.

Newness is the joy that brings its own special quality at times. And that is the part we truly seem attracted too.

Maybe more as a form of curiosity, but still we do give it more attention that other things. As if our senses are more focused.

Now this is part of human nature. And it seems so easy to understand. The mind is just drawn to such things.

On a different level is the newness of the soul. When we go through some event that impacts our spirituality in terms of change.

There are many things like that. First experiences that touch and inspire. Only they are often different for different people.

So one can have them and be so exciting while somebody else never gets it. There are all kinds of reasons this happens.

And to move into this realm by faith will help to keep it in focus. When the Holy Spirit is there it helps to see things more clearly.

This is the part that really makes a difference. That way you can be happy when some other believer has some experience you don’t have.

And that helps to bring encouragement and comfort instead of bitterness. So it becomes a blessing.

Which does serve the Lord’s purposes. Providing we take time to treat it as such. Do it otherwise and it won’t work.

Oh the sadness that befalls when bitterness rules over the heart. We just end up not being able to enjoy.

This never helps or heals. It doesn’t lend to grow or a happy soul. Just ends in sadness and lost.

Wherein the newness ends.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

The Song Of Souls

Blends of breath and light bring an ageless spiritual serenade

before the Lord’s eternal throne of grace,

summoned from the depths of the heart deepest groans

where wings of faith fly by praiseful hymnal glide

upon His Holy Spirit’s stunning zephyr wind.

Until the body fades into His loving arms

and the soul flows in such soft, sincere petition

of rich, euphoric song in pure gratitude,

slowly stripping away any veils of deception.


Within that nakedness Heaven’s truth

clothes as a honeyed radiant raiment of forgiveness,

lowly does the consciousness surrenders

unto the beautiful bliss of an awe soaked oneness.


How tranquil is the freeing soar

far from the clutching talons of sin’s tyranny,

while salvation showers upon that melodious chanted voice

a rapturous rhapsody that submerses in waves of tranquility.


Self fades into the infused ethereal mist of everlasting mercy,

gently rising in His hands as a redeemed creation

lost is the sight that only sees they lairs of mortality

for a vision that peers upon immortality’s mural.


For one the sound of one’s heart beat

is overpowered by the still small voice of inner clarity

whispered by God’s guiding flame of wisdom.


It guides to His mirror to see the reflection He sees

utterly overwhelmed by the shockwave in discovery.

Life is lead upon a different path

no longer ruled by the powers the polluted with darkness,

joy floods the mind and flesh

from finally being able to stroll the paths before one’s day

not with a need to boast or brag of each steps

inside filled with the sounds of celebrate

over the blessings He gives

regardless of where the path leads.


We can’t build a house without them. Those foundations that you have to have in place before anything else will work.

Perhaps this is not the only option you can have with a building. But I doubt most would think otherwise.

So even though we know this, despite the reality that this applies to so many parts of life, we still do use it all the time.

The scriptures talk about how the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Now there is an obvious meaning to this.

But the question still remains can we see the greater meaning? To in essence build the temple with the right corner stone.

There are several things that might qualify as a spiritual cornerstone. But of course the most important is to have Jesus as Lord and Savior.

How many have tried to build their edifices on other foundations. To start out perhaps the did see Christ as their rock.

But it got lost in all haste of construction. So the result is that along the way the truth gets lost.

It will always end with a lopsided structure. One off balance that is never really stable. And it happens so often.

While life is never perfect we do have the options in terms of what we choose as our temple. Too bad the priority is often other than on what the Lord says is important.

Perhaps we could learn to avoid it. To find a way to make it less of problem if somewhere along the way we enjoyed see things stay in balance by faith.

This does become a challenge. And to be more concerned over the Lord’s design than how it looks to others.

That is the part we have trouble with. Because He isn’t concerned over our image. He is more interested in our obedience.

For those who make appearance their priority and not what is used in the construction they will never really have the right cornerstone. It will always be less than able to endure any earthquakes.

And then to always remember to continue never assuming that we are such great builders that it never can need repair.