I dared to dream no night would kill my light,
refused a lantern for its counterfeit help,
denied a candle because of brevity’s fleeting fortune,
rejected a flashlight for fear batteries would fail,
painting sun’s upon a blanket
holding it up against the darkness
convinced its imagine would protect
against the black pitfalls,
closing eyes to envision day,
walking ahead assured my golden image
inspired by confidence
would shield against any obstacles.
Falling down repeatedly,
no blackness would I let prevail
over my faith in a noon’s deliverance,
as long as I didn’t stop holding onto my sun paintings.
Beset of bruises,
pelted by the steady paced
with so many stumbling steps,
was pride in tan supremacy
that drove my passions towards the dawn,
unwilling to risk any beam
gleamed from less than a star
as a ray with permanent hope,
ardently avowing assurance in morning’s victory,
dragging broken leg suffered from tripping during eve,
not caring the pain, nor allowing it to ruin
my processional against the villains of illumination,
they might defeat my stroll with some brutal pause,
but as long as I can believe in sunshine
and boast it to others
then my persona of uplifting simmer will prevail
even if eventually I end up a cripple.