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Monday, January 26, 2009


This is when you find out there is a lot more to some incident than you imagined. Hopefully in a good way.

No fun when it is a pain. Or just have to cope with some aspect that means you didn’t have all the facts.

Now if you have taken the time to try and make things understood. So sure you know the truth.

Only problem is how the mind can truly deceive itself. To be allowed to invent explanations that distort the truth.

I can’t think of how many times I have experienced that. Done it myself too often. And never gets good results.

No matter how often we do it, that doesn’t prevent us from doing it again. Not quite the path of learning.

How the mind can spill the words that sound so impressive. All the futile comments that cover the reality in some dressing.

To make it all seem so real and worthwhile. Only it will not endure in terms of being possible.

Just be a fable that we place in our heads to think it is all the life can be. Just not till the disaster comes do we finally discard the illusion.

How sad it is when we let this color our faith. I doubt anyone loves to chronicle all the time we did dumb things spiritually.

I imagine that is true for life in general. But doesn’t keep us from still behaving that way. Even when it doesn’t help.

Pride will always inhibit self discovery. It will deter the ability to truly learn. Just keep us where we can lie to ourselves.

And thank goodness that the Lord is merciful and forgiving. Even when we insist on making the same mistakes over and over again.

At least His love doesn’t stop even when we do get stupid. Admitting it perhaps is the hardest lesson of all.

But it is so freeing when we accept grace. And stop pretending we don’t sin. So hard to reach that point.

And such a blessing when we do.


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