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Monday, January 05, 2009


How often we place the tokens of our life upon memory’s shelf. Carved and cultivated as a form that we can accept.

Are they truth? Perhaps. Other times they are just made to agree with what we want to belief.

And if we happen to show them to others then we need a story to fit the image. Oh my how many times we do that.

Course they are not necessarily accurate. That is the part that we just don’t manage to get to work at times.

Because others can tell if a work of art made by our tongues is genuine or borrowed. Oh we might not agree.

However, it does often come out that way. So we have to take time to be sure we have a really good story.

One that sounds so convincing. That way it can be able to look like what we did was on purpose and makes sense.

Still that doesn’t end up being something that always works in our favor. Reputations often get distracted from the truth.

If we are able to accept that we are not perfect then we don’t need those images to be without a few flaws. Not that it will work out that way.

Pride just gets in the way. And we get even more so when there is some kind of need to give this the Lord’s stamp of approval.

Oh the spiritual tales we can create to make this all seem true. And if we can add or alter the image and say God was responsible.

I can’t think of the times I’ve heard those stories. Oh how spiritual some can make sin sound.

Add a little emotion and even better. Let the emotion roll like you are so sincere and it will really seem so important.

The fact that God doesn’t actually inspire such things is less than helpful. Normally no one quotes His word to support such claims.

Which doesn’t end in a figurine that has any true divine mark upon its creation. We just make it seem that way.

Only it loses its appearance when seen with eyes that know the Lord.


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