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Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Ever have those times when you don’t really want the details about something, just to know it is okay. The mind just doesn’t want to dwell on details.

So if we can have the information kept in a simple then we can feel easier about accepting the information. Which always is treated as a blessing.

This isn’t always a bad option. Brevity can be such a joy at times. Providing what we are able to understand.

With the usual nature of life this is predictable and so ordinary. Just filter out the complications of life and make it easy.

Tell us the facts, but not all the intricate details. I wish all of life could be so easy to digest.

But there are so many times it doesn’t work out that way. And trying to avoid the details doesn’t always work.

The problem comes when we try to do this on a spiritual level. That is when simple is not always the perfect solution.

Instead, we have to be prepared to accept that we won’t have it simple. We may not even have all the answers.

This doesn’t mean we enjoy that. We may keep struggle to always seek to know everything.

However it isn’t possible on a spiritual level. So to that degree faith again demands certain focus.

It is the willingness to put the soul before the mind in terms of thinking. To be able to keep in mind trust doesn’t require having a perfect knowledge.

And the real joy is that one does know in God’s presence it will all be clear. I can imagine it will be such a joy.

To be able to at last understand all that we didn’t know in this life. That is aspect that can truly be so comforting.

The idea that eventually we will see what doesn’t make sense now. And how thrilling it is to think we shall understand.

For that we can be grateful. Even if for now we must accept the little pauses in our sight. Just another facet of faith.

One to be treated as a blessing


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