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Monday, January 12, 2009


Well life can certainly dole out all kinds of filling for us to consumed. So many can be the one thing we seem to need to most inside.

Does it mean it is the right filling? Well depends on how much we can trust to our appetite.

Such is the nature of our passions. They never are related to our needs as much as our cravings.

And when those are touch in some obsessive way, then reason goes right out the window. We watch it fly away and never think twice about it.

But we sure can come up with all kinds of explanations for our choices. Does it mean they are true?

Now that is the part, which is so hard to answer. Well at least in a way that remotely is other than based on impulse.

So we end up with the different forms of frosting we decide will best fit our needs. Oh some taste great, but never really satisfy.

And for the mind we are more prone to base our decisions purely on emotional choices. The ones that we keep telling you that as long as it feels good that is what counts.

Naturally we have so many ways to justify those type of fillings. And the stories we can invent.

Most of it become a journey we make in our heads, always with some detours so we don’t have to admit it was perhaps mistake. And so often we never take time to seek the Lord in the process.

This is the fact of life, which is not always a source of boasting. Not if we are honest. Which can be less than what we hope.

All of which is where the Lord is the one who will truly guide. For He is merciful to us in that sense.

Always taking the time to let us see what is truly a blessing in that regard. Only we can’t always appreciate it.

So that is when we will hopefully learn. And gain a new perspective of what truly counts in terms of satisfying.

This is the caked that is bake in Heaven’s over. It will always bless in so many ways. If we learn to accept the flavor as the joy intended.


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