Never the passage we boast about. Not quite the joy we crave. A place where we stand in the narrows of our mind and wish it was a dream.
Life has its own song, it doesn't write just for us. We can hear its notes and celebrate or question the composure.
But we don't get to change the melody or how it plays out in our lives. We can at least appreciate the harmony and try to enjoy each creation.
Providing we want to listen. And that is not the way we wish to truly grow. For it does not come with a joy of hearing.
While we wait to understand the composition and hope it changes, we can always find that special theme just for us. One played as we need it to in order to touch our lives.
With God as the conductor the music always has light. It glows and writes a magic in our souls that leaves us pause to hum.
But fortunately God's spirit can touch and help our hearing. We can feel the song flow in life and its different settings.
Whether we choose to see what God reveals or merely listen for a dirge is the option we make. And how often that is not the decision made in ways that is always uplifting.
For melancholy's tunes will come with their own special juke box. And it will be placed where we don't want it located.
However, we can rise above that sound with the Lord's help. To see the sights as intended and find beauty wherever we look.
It is not the preference we always seek. It is not the treasure we always want, but it is the truth and that is what counts.
We might of night choose to sing or of its dark choose to dream. Step by step our feet dance by a tune.
Only with God does the dance fine the right place to waltz that has no lies. At least noen we treat as truth.
But in the ball room where His angels reside we can find a chance to feel more than just in quest of refreshment. If we dare to see it for the reality.
That is the voice within we can hear with our soul. It follows dance steps to heaven. And with them we find a peace others will never know.
I rejoice when the day finds that hymn.