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Monday, March 24, 2008


Below the surface, reaching down to the where live is truly lived, the real simmering sensations are not always the ones we admit publicly.

They are the ones the shine from our actions more than our words. And are attached to what we really value.

Doesn't mean we will actually take time to admit them. For in the darkness they won't always look the same as in the light.

We can easily hide some of the flaws and sins. Truly is so easy to cover over the facts with a few well woven tales of excuses.

None of which changes the reality. It doesn't impact how we truly feel. Just save the embarrassment of having our real feelings expressed.

But then that is all part of the fabulous joy of living in a cave. No light means you don't have to see anything, except what you want to see.

However, others will sense the truth just the same. It will be more obvious than we would care to accept.

Tales we love to share that have happy endings. Though they may be only fiction and not close to reality.

But better a mirage of Camelot than accepting one lives in some place full of dark corners and other than beauty. We revel in the illusion no matter the reality.

In God's hands we find the need to be lifted to see truth. He will not let us dwell in darkness without bringing us a candle.

However, that doesn't mean we always enjoy the light. It may be far too prone to show us what we need to change.

If we have worked to hard seeing our own version of truth we might not care to see what is really there. But it can't be avoided with the Lord.

For being in darkness never helps our sight. It never aids us in our capacity to grow. All it does is make it easy to avoid what will help us in the long run.

Perhaps life would be easier if there were no shadows, but that is never an options. And we can not truly appreciate the light without it.

Which makes it important to look when God lights our path even if we find ourselves in a place that is other than a garden. Sometimes with his help it can become one just the same.


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