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Wednesday, March 26, 2008


How often this happens in the process of spiritual awaken. One moment we see so clearly, the next all is dark.

It just weighs one down with confusion. To go from the mountain top to the valley in seconds can be so devastating.

We can sit back and feel guilty. As if we did something wrong that deserved to be punished.

In truth, with faith and our experiences we will always ride a roller coaster. This is the natural process that doesn't result in only walking on the mountain top.

And it can be by accident or on purpose, but we will all have to deal with the reality of following a narrow path. It just isn't level.

I'm sitting at work while writing this posting and my day is going fine. But all around me the world feels so full of chaos.

At home there is sickness and the usual problems of life. As with a very special friend of mine.

For me on a personal note I had cause to celebrate. Yet my celebration is dampened by all the misery.

It is as if there is no good without a bad side. No joy without a sorrow. Do I let it totally ruin my moment?

I try not to. But I do admit that there are times when it is hard. For there those I might savor the good, I must also accept the bad.

Both dwell in life and we do appreciate that. Being a Christian doesn't put some shield around you life that keeps it from having problems.

It is how we deal with the problems that is a measure of our heart and values. We can spend all day in prayer, but if we lose it when we are stressed, we are just another sinner, which is who we really are.

God does guide and inspire, but He will not remove the thorns from our garden. He may help us to see them, but He doesn't remove them.

The challenge is whether we are willing to embrace all that faith involves or just the times we feel the sun. That is a challenge we have to answer for ourselves.

And along the way perhaps we find he time to see the truth by God's view, which is so much clearer than our own.


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