There are times when the world truly seems to be nothing but shadows and sorrow. Grief being far more plentiful than love or happiness.
On some occasions this truly does bear down upon the spirit so harshly. And it is so easy to let the darkness cripple.
That is not the same as blinding, more like it takes away one's morale. Totally sucks the very essence of one's spirit from one's life.
So you end up feeling completely lethargic and unable to try and move ahead in life. This can last for the longest amounts of time. Each second feeling like an eternity.
Because one's expectations are maximize in terms of negatives. So the whole world seems like one long valley.
Which is okay. As long as one doesn't decide to take up residence in the valley. Part of its purpose is to inspire a need to keep moving.
That is why it is a valley and not oasis. For the inspiration is to learn from the experience and move on.
Which is what we all must be prepared to do. However, that is never an easy chore. For the reality is we often aren't motivated beyond the woe is me phase.
We want to sit down and moan about our condition, but never actually leave it. Because while we might enjoy the barren situation for the nature of getting sympathy, it still is not a place we are meant to dwell.
But some do. Instead of using a tent, they will end up put up something more permanent, which reflects their intentions.
Oh afterwards they will complain about how harsh the valley is. However, even if you gave them a map to escape they would have some reason for staying.
And the Lord knows one's heart so He is aware of our thoughts. Which is where the issue of faith comes in.
For we have to want to trust to him to leave the valley. That is the part that is very important with faith.
If we do not at least desire to believe in the Lord as our deliverer and look for his help with rescue then all we have is the valley. And even if never leave it during our life, for those who reach out in trust, we will in heaven.
That is worth the effort of trust from my view.
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