Gaps in lives and spirits, thoughts separated by canyons of differences, they are all part of the nature of what we face far too often. And it never can be kept from creeping into life.
No matter how hard we try, no matter how much we love, there are times distance happens in our relationships. It doesn't have to be intentional either.
So many things can contribute. Not always problems either. Just the ordinary demands of life will do it.
And when the distance takes its toll on feelings and joy then it becomes a source of so many sags upon the heart. Even if we try and want the intimacy, it can elude us.
And the same can be true in our spiritual times. It is so easy to get caught up in life we have no time for fellowship with the Lord.
Not that we are content with such a condition, but we are human. We get sick, we get tired, we get emotionally depressed.
It all intrudes upon our desires. I think the Lord understood this when He spoke of how the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
I don't think it was meant as a condemnation as much as an awareness this flesh we possess is not perfect. Our minds can imagine perfect, but our bodies can live up to the standard.
However, I do think at times we beat ourselves up with unrealistic expectations. A need to see life with an appreciation of forgiveness and grace.
It all becomes a basic part of one's ability to embrace that pleasing to God is not about being perfect. Or even close to it.
For when we can embrace this with true understanding, that is when we can face the truth in ourselves. We don't have to make up stories about our failures.
It is rare point in our thinking when this happens. The times when we can truly be comfortable with our true natures.
At that point we can also begin to see what is needed to be changed in our lives. That is a blessing when you don't have to lie about it any longer.
Just face the next day grateful to be alive. And along the way feel good that you can be yourself.
It isn't perfect, but it is a far better road to travel than the one where all the scenery is faked.
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