Faded Embraces
The day was never hot or hard to live
once it was seen through two pair of eyes
because so young as next door neighbors
we found a bond that gave us such pride.
Nothing would deter our relationship,
not school or parents or even distance
for we were fierce in our loyalty,
kin within our hearts
and you arms felt like another pair of mind.
It was simpler world then
with there being us and everyone else
our little chuckles gave us power
over the sense of feeling so isolated,
so very lacking in fitting into any social puzzle.
What happen to that magic?
How did it suddenly disappear,
growing up shouldn’t kill best friends,
but all I get from you now
is a silence or excuse of being busy.
Was a really just some needed pastime?
Another excuse to mock what we both hated
where one other person saw things the same?
Wish I could break this gap,
wish I could understand the way
that our connection just broke,
but to do that would require
you to spend time again
among the places we lived
while we found its secrets to share
and loved the shared confessions.
I’ll miss what we had,
ache over its death
because those tidbits of smiles and private wisdom
gave life its own special magic
only you left and took the wand.