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LAIR OF THE PENMAN: Behind My Curtains

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Behind My Curtains

Behind my curtains
the world expands to a karmic canvas,
ancient tolls in light
immerse my mind in their tapestry,
pyramids rise in golden sheen,
sky becomes leaden and weeps,
droplets of silver auras
drench the ashen fields with seeds shaped as hearts.

It is a moment spoken
a gaze of illumined song
opening a portal to my soul,
where heaven and hell wage war,
demons prance in envy
angels waltz in their allure,
but my mind stays on a fence's barbed wire
before spring comes to the playground.

Then all dims except of a single flame,
having language that speaks with my own voice,
summoning a symphony in my blood,
I hear the tones play a sonata of serenity,
embellished with love's lyrics,
praying for a spell to share it with others,
curtains oft being open by dawn's hands
before the music is remembered.


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