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Saturday, September 29, 2007


More than enough, often unnecessary, but still very pleasing to the eye. That would be want comes to my mind when I think of extravagance. Something not required, so it is considered a waste in some eyes.

And with some forms of such things this is understandable. For when one is involved with tangible issues where need is involved it can be difficult to understand why one person has so much luxury and another one is in poverty. This kind of inequity never helps any of us nor is it viewed as a good thing.

But there are times when opulence does say something important. Providing it isn't about greed, but for inspiration.

That does make so much sense to some, but it can be true with the things of God. For there are times when we are called upon by faith to honor the Lord in a special way.

We do if for the purposes of faith and to express a love for God. It isn't about trying to some how impress others with our achievements. Or to in anyway to act with arrogance.

Instead it is to simply honor the Lord. Some would criticize such behavior. They would regard the use of resources for testimonials to the Lord as a waste.

Which is why some have confused the funds received with church as being for the exclusive purpose of helping others. They would treat churches as nothing more than a form of charity.

A church may reach out to help others. But it isn't the only reason they exist. And it is always those who don't follow God who want to tell the rest of us what a church should do.

They too would define Christianity by their standard. What is said is when the church accepts such criteria.

For then it becomes a function designed only to please men. God gets shoved into a corner and doesn't even get to be considered at all.

Such is the tragedy of misdirected spirituality. Or that which is made by those who define religion by some human standards.

It will always end up a measurement that falls short of what is beneficial and that never aids the process. It might make those who want to place boundaries on Christianity, but it never improves life or faith.

So there are times when God calls upon those who follow in faith to act out of obedience. It might draw criticisms, but we shall prevail if all is according to his will, which is the most important element.


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