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Friday, September 21, 2007


Sadly life can have so many moments of lost opportunities. Those occasions when one is "this close" to seeing reward and it eludes us.

Those can be such heart breaking moments. You can be in a position where everything seems right and perfect and then it doesn't work.

And if you have prayed about and are totally convinced that is had God's will in it, that can make it even more frustrating. Which can be so hard to cope with at times.

Then comes the times of questions. The wondering why you had to even endure such questions and experiences. You might be questioning God, but won't admit it openly.

Of course there are the times when things do work out or something unexpected happens for the good. That can be just as much of a challenge.

For the mind will naturally analyze the situation to try and see if it can make any sense. That it will someone be made into a situation we can duplicate later.

It is all part of the mental exercise we got through at times. We just don't always admit it. Sometime we prefer to just define it by some method we think will work for us.

Which has nothing to do with God's view. Nor with his will. And in reality fortunes do come and go for a variety or reasons.

Sometimes that can be an issue where we truly reaped a reward for doing something write others not so true. That part isn't always critical.

What can be true is that we find ourselves in need to understand the truth always. To not forget that God is sovereign over all.

That means being able to accept when what happens to us has a higher purpose than just a given incident. And to be able to embrace when it follows the path that is his will regardless of how we chose to view it.

Listening to God's spirit can be challenging when emotions get in the way. They can truly interfere with the process.

But God does have a way of getting our attention. And when he does, we hopefully learn the truth.

In the end the most important lesson being how nothing good from God is ever meant to lure us away from trusting him. And there are times when that included his not granting us a given fortune if it means it would corrupt us in our faith.

Fortunes come in many forms. Sometimes those include God knowing when a blessed would really be a curse.


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