Ah, the terrific image this invokes when I think of the good that happens from these moments. I wish they were all that way, but they aren't.
So one accepts that change is inevitable and not always going to bring good. Unless you focus on learning from the mistakes. Then you can savor the time as having a blessing.
That can be so challenging and difficult when you are talking about crisis where they stab you in the heart with emotions. You feel like you are totally devastated emotionally.
It sure can be so difficult and challenging to face this reality and actually get excited. Even harder to do it in a way that says thank you God.
Oh yeah, that is extra tough if the change hurts. And to it when you mean it can even be harder.
But we do have above all, honest. For it never pays to lie to God. And even thinking you is totally absurd.
However, we do it. And normally in an indirect method. With the use of lots of excuses. Yep that is so much fun.
It doesn't change reality, just makes it easier to accept our shortcomings. That won't eliminate them, but will make it sound better.
What we can rely upon is knowing there will always be change. Good or bad, we know it will come.
It is just a matter of choice. To first of all embrace this aspect of life without resignation. Meaning we don't kid ourselves that we have arrived in our thinking to the point that we never have to worry about another problem.
That can be an easy place to visit, but it doesn't mean we will be correct for visiting it. Nor will it improve life.
So instead we need the focus of sight that sees life with variables. Accepts the wisdom of being prepared and does not make excuses for we are wrong.
That will open our minds for God's love to drape us with peace where others have none. How many times I've witness those who are dead inside. People who raced towards rainbows hoping to find a pot of gold that never existed.
Then when things fail they are left destitute and unable to admit their problems. Just becoming another broken vessel walking the land naked of dreams. That is part of life some will never accept. Others will just close their eyes, never seeing God in the sunlight that is always there.
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