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Wednesday, September 19, 2007


The little tremors that cause the most grief. None of us is perfect. Doesn't mean we don't wish we were.

But the thing is I guess, we do have the times when perhaps some flaw in our being remains undetected. Part of the reason is because nothing may have happen to give us a reason to change or even know that is our weakness.

And if it doesn't necessarily impact our life or behavior to a degree that intrudes on our spirituality, then God may not prod us to notice that problem. We can go years without even sensing it. Even die without understanding that condition.

You can never obtain total clarity in this life. That never happens till we reach eternity. It is where God will give us a pair of perfect eyes.

Until then, the mirror only shows us a reflection. One that hides some of the truths we need God's spirit to help us understand.

Which can take a lifetime in some cases. We just need time to embrace certain facts or details as they relate to our life and nature.

It is a struggle at times to be able to embrace this process. Sometime we will actually resist. For it will mean change and none of us likes to always face such shocks to our system.

We will endure and find the gold from such trials if we keep our eyes focus on learning what it is that God wants us to learn. It can be painful at times.

But the pain is always replaced by a joy. The opportunity to grow in our spirit and mind. To rise above the moment and find the joy that truly is there for our welfare.

God is there to bless us with such moments. He is not trying to punish necessarily. But that may be hard to always appreciate.

Unless we listen to the voice of god. Then his spirit will guide and inspire. We can find the time that gives us the best sense of calm.

Only it does come after the storms. And we can feel the struggle inside from all the battering and shocks it provides.

Quietly we dry out from the tears and challenges the drenched. Enough so we can face where God intended us to always walk.

Beyond the point of our blindness. To place that gives glimpses of heaven. And then we find the shadows aren't quite as scary as we thought. That always touches in such a beautiful way.


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