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Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I was dialoging with this friend the other day who has the same problem I heard others voice before. The problem was with the idea that you should be able to answer all questions about life and God.

Naturally this is a person who has many honest questions about things such has having her husband die so young. The kinds that always ends up with dealing with the unfairness of life.

Which really is a fair question. I wish there were easy answers. History is way to full of situations where bad things happen to good people.

The mind just naturally gravitates to the idea that there should be rewards for good behavior and punishment for bad deeds. Only it doesn’t always happen that way.

We just naturally want to think that God would intervene to make things more equitable. To make life have more sense.

So we all have those questions. They dig at our thinking and upset us. They never seem to find solutions.

I can’t say I enjoy that aspect of life. I really am no more thrilled with the voids in understanding.

I just appreciate that this is a fact that we all have in common. And the choice is in how we deal with it.

This is the part of faith that can be very challenging. And if faced with a crisis even more so for some.

There are so many incidents of people who seemed so good outwardly and then had something terrible happen to them. And you end up angry over it.

Now if you happen to be the one who ends up in the situation of crisis you can be the first to arguer you didn’t deserve it. And you may even be right.

But it doesn’t alter the truth. And this is the fact as the scriptures declare that “blessed men got through valleys of weeping.”

Now the problem is some teach that blessings and prosperity in this life. That this is the thing they teach.

And they don’t care if it ends up not true. But they never worry if victims suffer. In the end sadness prevails.

And what is the truth remains blurred. Which is that by faith we wait upon the Lord for eternity to share the answers.


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