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Monday, March 09, 2009


This has been a strange week for me. Found out some news that could end up being a big crisis.

Only have to wait for time to show the truth. Not the first time I have been there. Lots of such moments in life.

And I know that there is no way it will stop being that way. Part of us will always find it hard to understand why life is unfair.

But then it is they way life unfolds at times. Evil goes unpunished and good is left to suffer.

On a human level it truly makes us so mad. Just doesn’t make any sense. And we can pray for help and understanding.

But it doesn’t take away the anger if they do keep happening. And it will never bring us peace in many ways either.

Some will naturally want to blame God. Or somebody else. And it will never result in a good feeling.

For me, well I guess I accept that the only place justice happens is in eternity. For there the Lord will exact what is right.

And He is a God of mercy so I know what He will do is fair. I can’t say I like the idea of those who harmed me in life ending up not punished and forgiven.

Yet I know that if the Lord didn’t give them forgiveness I wouldn’t entitled to it either. And such is the equity we all must accept.

So to that degree I live in the joy of knowing I am forgiven. And to celebrate that blessing.

Which also means being able to enjoy knowing there will come a time when it all makes sense. And I will savor that too.

So part of faith demands such trust. Maybe not the kind that we can expect to make life seem logical.

But will give us a certain peace. And that is the aspect we all will enjoy. At least for the person of faith.

That is the key that always gives us grace and peace. A chance to know God in His wisdom always blesses.

And it up to us to accept this truth.


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