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Friday, March 06, 2009


There is that popular scripture about being a doer of the word. Only people don’t agree on what that means.

Normally it will be anything they do. And they will be sure they tell everyone about it. So it will get attention.

Pride always rises to the event. So the person begins to see themselves as so called of God they can’t do anything wrong.

And then no matter if they are doing right in their mind it is right. They will always see it as perfect.

Slowly the person loses grip on truth. At least God’s truth. It becomes so much other than truth.

Seems like the one thing that ends is love. It gets replaced by the issue of their will and need to prove their calling.

That is the part that never changes. The endless tales to justify what is done. All the prayer to say it is fine.

And in the end somebody gets wounded. Oh it will not be admitted. That wounded will be forgotten.

They will be pushed out the door and treated as lepers. Really not that loving at all. But at the moment it sounds right.

How the mind works to make everything seem just find. Give it a spiritual twist and it becomes a holy crusade.

Later it turns into this inquisition. And then it all becomes a witch trial. Hate becomes so correct.

I truly do not think God is the origin of such actions. And then in the end nothing good comes out of it.

There is nothing except silence. And living with scars. Wondering why it happened. Voice looks for answers.

But so often you end with questions. And then in the end you are left to have faith as the only anchor.

Quietly doing what you can to survive. And then to be sure you don’t forget God wasn’t to blame.

It was just another sad detour.


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