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Saturday, December 06, 2008


How easily preferences can divide people. Make us at odds over the simplest things. And you don’t need the devils help either.

It is amazing when this happens in churches. All the minor details that can really become heated issues.

A friend of mine and I were discussing this fact the other day. It is so easy for something I think is not a problem to be treated as wrong in that person’s eyes.

Difference of life views and past history does impact that. Which is the nature of life in many ways.

It doesn’t keep us from being friends, but does impede our conversations at times. Which becomes an area where we don’t talk about.

I wish life was different in that regard. How that would be so peaceful. Yet, I know that won’t happen.

Still I do enjoy when we can have some common ground of sight. Might be difficult to manage at times.

And naturally pride figures in there on occasions. We just have that need to be right. And won’t give up on our view.

For most aspects of life I doubt it matters much. It is only in those situations where things involve spiritual matters that it really counts.

But it is hard to keep that in perspective when the emotions are inflamed. We are not happy with that choice.

We can pray and seek the Lord’s wisdom, but it doesn’t work if asking Him to make others see the light. And more so if we are the ones in the dark.

So hard to truly put the Lord before our own desires. To keep ourselves on the right path that will seek is truth.

However we can at least at times achieve this. And those are the time we can celebrate that we listened.

Just to bad they are all the time. But then we wouldn’t be human that is for sure. And you can never stop that option.

I wish I could. It is nice to dream of harmony. Maybe that prayer will come true someday.

Hopefully I won’t stop listening when it does.


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