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Wednesday, November 26, 2008


What sleeps in the mind when we are all alone? Is there hope in pure darkness? It is the question we often can ask.

And the answer will depend upon the person. Which is the part that we have always review.

Perceptions can be so difficult and challenging. And we may rely upon them no matter what is true.

This leads to the predictable, I’m right and you are wrong scenario. Passions get inflamed and then anger boils over.

In it all somebody decides they are an expert on the night. They may not see any better than the next person, but they think they do.

I do appreciate we all have our needs and desires. And feeling we are right is always part of that.

Still it is important to keep focused on what is important. And to look for God’s candle in the middle of the blackness.

He will always have it there, just not always where we care to look. He will be sure that the light is there.

But it means being willing to look where He leads. We can grope all evening in our own choices and still be stuck in the dark.

Unless we finally embrace His choice. It can be in the most unexpected places. Which requires us to be obedient.

This translates into never stop being willing to listen and accept His message when it comes our way. It can be hard though.

Especially if the message we get is different than we want. It can be the aspect we will even resist.

None of which in any way results in the improvement in the situation. It just becomes another point of frustration.

How we truly end up at those times being responsible for our not finding what we really need. Sometimes we just are not the best judge of that.

But keeping our pride from interfering can be the hard part. We do so love the feel of being in charge.

Even when we are blind and no clue how to find a means of escape.


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