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Wednesday, December 03, 2008


How often it seems that our dreams never are touched by reality. And we can crave a truth that equals to what we truly desire.

Now I think the response to such situations is to day dream or fantasize. Which I can’t imagine not doing.

I had a conversation with this person the other day. And in that person’s view a fantasy was the same as actually doing something.

So if you daydreamed about doing something forbidden it was a sin. Well I do appreciate that wrong thoughts are a sin.

I didn’t have an issue with that. But then sin is so much more. So many things we somehow delude ourselves into thinking are not that bad

Or we play the game of, “if I don’t to this the other things I did don’t count.” That hardly impresses the Lord.

God already knows what is in our hearts. He can see what our desires and thoughts are. So pretending never helps.

Then there is the simple question of can one truly control thoughts? I haven’t seen any evidence of that.

I’ve seen all kinds of talk from those who claimed they did. Just never seem to translate into truth.

And that always ends up being such a farce the way some act. I’ve heard the most amazing things come out of people’s mouths.

Not much of it ever seemed truth or realistic. But that didn’t keep people from making all kinds of claims.

Some more bizarre than others, but what they had in common was the theme of control. How they can do what no one else can do.

It might impress others, but no the Lord. For that is the part of our life that can only change through forgiveness.

This one can only achieve by faith, not by trying to do enough good to offset the bad. That is man’s view.

And to that degree, the person of faith lays all sins on the altar of grace, not just the ones we admit to. Sad is the life, which pretends.

For it never find the gems of grace that we can own.


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