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Thursday, December 04, 2008


Eyes cast a stern glare into the dark. What we see is really within. Our fears and ghost haunting and questioning.

We might not always like the answers we see, but ignoring them can be worse. So we do what we can to function in the process.

How we can so easily fall away from our path the Lord intends. And even when the time comes that we get hints to give us warnings, we ignore them.

The more intelligent and the more we can analyze the facts the more we can come up with excuses for our behavior. Such is the nature of life we don’t like to think about.

And that is where the Lord’s spirit will often touch us to wake us up. But do we listen? Most of the time I don’t think so.

I am grateful that the Lord has mercy upon us. And will be willing so long suffering in that regard.

To move beyond our stumbling steps within our day, we must be willing to face the truth. Let our eyes behold the truth and accept the reality.

Only the Lord can make that possible. So many have been trapped in denial. And we can be so good at it.

Still that is not what is in our best interests. Hopefully by God’s light we will find the facts.

Let them sink into our lives to bring the help we need. Not always the option we truly crave.

But it the evidence that is waiting. They provide the internal witness to our own essence. Whether we accept it or not.

I like the moments we find those guiding points that truly inspire. That is the good in the middle of the bad.

If we embrace what we fear without excuse and let the Lord show us the way that is most according to His will. So easy to miss it.

Even more so when you allow yourself the freedom to move past every thought that tells you that it won’t work. Doubts really do struggle against the light.

Not hearing them move than the word of the Lord is the hard part. And what a joy when we can.

It is the celebration that comes with peace.


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