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Friday, November 28, 2008


There are so many who would treat this as a case of quoting scripture where it says, “vengeance is mine, that sayeth the Lord.” And it is true.

It would be wonderful if people honestly were able to apply that. I know some who do, but plenty who don’t.

I wish I could say I was able to apply this myself. But no matter how hard I try I haven’t been able to do that.

So that is the case of me just not pretending about my weakness in that regard. I do the best I can to not give in to those feelings, but it doesn’t happen.

Like so many situations I think honesty is important here. The ability to embrace the parts of our lives that are other than perfect.

And even as a Christian to face the truth with honesty. Because even if we think otherwise, God knows the truth.

Now the problem is how does one cope with the truth? How do we cope with this nature and still feel saved?

It can be so hard to admit. To be able to keep things in focus. To be able to not forget the truths of scripture are reminders of our need for forgiveness.

Remember that and then you move ahead. You take the time to always embrace the reality we will never be perfect.

And even if we hate in our hearts, even if we take the time to focus ourselves in terms of seeing ourselves correctly, we will always need to take them to the Lord.

Perhaps some can forgive and forget. Maybe some are able to truly able to spend their time in such a state and have no problem.

But I think human nature is a truth you have to embrace. To allow God to give one peace over the frailties of life.

Then getting even is the victory of faith. The times we get even with the voice inside by the power of the Holy Spirit.

And that is time we will truly see how loving God really is. For He will grant us clarity in our darkness.

Then help us to see the blessings only He can provide. Such is the nature of faith and forgiveness.

And the power of His divine light.


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