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Thursday, November 27, 2008


I plead guilty on this one. Always loving to plan things and expecting them to happen when I want them to.

And it sure can be so frustrating when you take time to plan something and things go wrong. Those can be times that really upset me.

I used to have problems with procrastination. Very serious problems that kept me from getting much done.

So in a way of compensating, I tend to try to do things in advance. Always make sure I am done on time.

This is realistic in all situations, but I do enjoy when it works. However, because it also involves control there are times it goes against the tenets of faith.

So God will toss something in my path to interfere or disrupt my plans. Not all the time. There are occasions life does it naturally.

I wouldn’t say that I love those times. But afterwards I normally have time to reflect and appreciate the merit of this incident.

Do I always give thanks? I wish the answer was yes, but it isn’t. I do try to find the reasons.

And there are times when the Lord is merciful in that regard. When He takes time to add understanding.

If that happens it does help. Just doesn’t make me prepared for the next time. Because it will happen in a different situation with no related connection.

All meant to convey the continuing need to trust. All meant to in a loving way grant me the grace to see I am not perfect.

I can’t say I am always happy with the process. I can’t say it will always turn out to have a happy ending.

But I can say that I have learned. Enough so that later I will pause after the crisis to remember the change.

Then I move ahead and sometimes still stumbling. But I will always be grateful for the joy it brings to learn.

Even if it doesn’t always make me happy at the time. Still the process of faith will always be a benefit.

Just making sure we embrace it is the challenge.


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