Any ordeal can seem like an endless trek in some cases. Just a journey that seems like it will last a life time.
There are the times when it truly can strain one’s strength and endurance. Even more so when you have no idea how long the journey will last.
It is one of the aspects of faith and also life at times. We just have no idea who long a given trial will be part of our lives.
And the longer it lasts or if it gets worse along the way and we will not be filled with joy and happiness. It can be so frustrating.
Then comes the annoying issue of seeing others who are not suffering. They seem to have it so easy.
If by chance they are not part of the faith and are blessed while during sinful things it can really be annoying. But that never changes our walk.
I’ve seen so many in my life that were like shooting stars. They light up the sky with their talent.
You truly had to be impressed. And even if you wished it was you who was making all the fireworks happen, you do still appreciate how it can take place.
But then you wait awhile. A few weeks or months and suddenly they are not only without that same light, but aren’t even shining at all.
I remember watching this one revival where they had celebrity speaking. The person had just become a Christian and speaking of how much life had changed as a follower.
It was powerful and very impressive. And it would be so great if it stayed that way. But it didn’t.
A few months later this person was in trouble over some law violations. All the talk about changing hadn’t been permanent.
Course the church that had put the person on display and reveled in that individual’s faith suddenly were absent. They love the attention, but not the need for support.
Some times it is the one that faithful walks in the shadows day after day that lasts. Who never gets attention, but never gives up that truly survives.
And those are the stories that will be seen and told in heaven. Which is the place that it will truly count.
Until then it is just a matter of continue to walk regardless of if the sun is shining.
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