There is that barrier we create in our minds. So river of concern that flows from our memories.
And it can seem so impossible to bridge. We just convince ourselves that there is no way to get from where we are to the place we dream.
But then God is such a talented bridge builder. Only He doesn’t ask for our help. Just that when the bridge is there we pass over it.
And He can open our eyes to the images on the other side. Those places we can reach and realize some truth.
However, that won’t keep us from worrying. It won’t keep us from hesitation in moving either.
Instead we will come up with our own set of excuses. Reasons to keep from taking those steps.
And for some this can be crippling. Which will never allow them the joy of finding out the treasures on the other side.
Oh how the mind can think of reasons to not trust the Lord. Now there is a difference between having a dream and a vision.
If we have a desire to do something and our passions pain the image then that is related to our hopes. But if the Lord gives us a clear vision that is different.
For when he shows us the path then it is not by accident. That is the time when faith needs to be the choice.
Still there are many for whom that becomes less than an option. They will never see the lack of faith the same as an excuse.
So it will continue to be the broken record of their behavior. Another occasion to not trust.
What is lost is any opportunity to be in the place God wanted for us. And it won’t happen again.
There will come other chances for the Lord is forgiving, but that bridge won’t come again. It will be the passage never taken.
And to that degree a tragedy. But one where we bear the consequences. Bridges that just collapse from a lack of use.
Which have skeletons that linger in our minds.
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