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Friday, October 24, 2008


Ever have that sense of being watched? Having that creepy feeling somebody is observing you and not doing it for decent reasons.

These are unusual feelings. Everyone knows that there are all kinds of reasons one might be watched.

And even if you are not guilty of doing something wrong it still can bother you. We do cherish our freedom.

The hard part is to be sure that these are not the result of simple paranoia. That we are not imagining being watched.

That is all on the human level naturally. Nothing to do with the other eyes that watch. The ones that are not human.

Now if one is a believer in God’s word you can’t ignore the reality that He can see everything. And also that His angels can see us too.

I marvel at the way so many seem to forget this fact. They act as if they can truly justify their behavior.

True is we are all sinners. So that means we do things that are wrong. And it is silly to think any of them is a secret.

Even though the scriptures declare nothing will be secret that isn’t reveal in eternity, we still love to think if we explain it then it is okay. Not hardly the truth.

So they truth prevails. And if we have any sense about us, we know we are being seen. Not that we can suddenly stop sinning.

But there is no reason to pretend either. Just take the time to truly savor grace. Don’t make up excuses, just embrace forgiveness.

I wish more had the willingness to embrace that. But most don’t. There words are so filled with denial.

Or justification. You just know it will always unfold as any reason, but being a sinner. All in an attempt to avoid any guilt.

That doesn’t work with the Lord. But it will at least sound good. Never change our accountability.

Just make is seem alright. And people always love using their lips as a blindfold. Just doesn’t blind the Lord.

Maybe someday we will know the difference.


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