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Thursday, October 23, 2008


We live in a world where the one word that never is found in bounty is fairness. No matter where you go or what you do, life is hardly rich in this commodity.

Frustration breeds all kinds of inspiration. You can just only take so much disappointment without wanting some kind of edge.

That is the human side speaking. Just a need to find that one avenue in life where the breaks come your way for a change.

And that will always nagged at most of us to some degree. It is only natural to want some option that changes that reality.

I wish there was a simple solution. I could do a posting all about how you can get rich as a Christian.

It wouldn’t necessarily be true, but would sound good. And if that is what you crave then you can find it lots of places.

I think as a believer the one lesson we all struggle with is contentment. To be able to celebrate and enjoy the gifts the Lord gives us.

And to do it at times when it doesn’t translate into opportunity. Now we do have some input in our choices.

So there are the times when we don’t try and thus miss out on our chances. Those are not something we can blame on the Lord.

Fear will always moderate our behaviors to some degree. But so will doubt. However, when all that is set aside we also don’t end up being our dreams either.

Somewhere in between is the place we all dwell. And that is the area where the advantage comes in truth.

To find the peace of knowing with the Lord’s help that we are in that place of His calling. And that is one where we can find satisfaction.

Does that mean success and fame? It can be for some. But not all or even most. But how often that doesn’t make us happy.

For our dreams will always take us places our hearts can’t travel. And they are really place that are glimpses of eternity to some degree.

Only problem is that we may not be willing to accept that option. Far easy to be upset over who we are than be grateful.

This is the choice the Lord leaves in our hands to make.


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