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Thursday, October 30, 2008


There was a time in the past when I used to love taking pictures. And it seems as if everyone who catches the camera bug does have a certain group of favorites.

Such as flowers and waterfalls, mountains and animals. And naturally also families. But sunsets generally get included too.

I had my chance to take quite a few. I got to do them from the beach and mountains, over deserts and cities.

But the one that I remember most took place when my young son, who was only three at the time, decided to help dad take a picture. I was in the middle of focusing and he just walked up, said, “picture” and pressed the shutter button.

Course he was too young to understand everything about cameras, but he has seen me take pictures so often he knew it was important to me. So he was just naturally acting out what I had been doing.

Course the end result was not a good picture. Without all the right adjustments it was very blurry and hard to see.

Still I did cherish in my part how in his own way he was trying to relate to me. In a way he thought would matter.

I wonder how many times in life such situations come up? We get so caught up in our own passions to see how they affect others.

I plead guilty to that on too many times. But I don’t say I didn’t ever have moments when I appreciate it to.

God does have to work to get my attention on those sunsets I miss at times. The ones where His light was the one I was suppose to notice.

I am grateful that He is patient and even when I do stumble my way through the process, by making some mistake, I do appreciate His forgiveness. It seems to come when I really know how much I have messed up.

But thank goodness sunsets come every day. So the one missed today is not going to affect tomorrow.

I do savor the times when I see them for what is intended. And don’t let my desires get in the way of seeing what is important.

I hope each of us has eyes that able to appreciate what is important by God’s standard and just not our own. For it we do find the beauty intended.

Not letting the sun set on our way of thinking.


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