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Sunday, October 19, 2008


It is always a joy to feel you were right. That you understood something for its truth and were vindicated at some point.

Now the challenge with the Christian situation is that not everyone accepts what the scriptures say is correct.

So even when what you say is true doesn’t mean that some will accept it. And even if later it turns out that they find out this is correct, they may never admit it.

Such is the nature of human pride. None of us likes to be criticized or find out we were wrong.

But there are times when God will make us see that reality. It will hold up that mirror and force us to take a long hard look.

Just isn’t always a pleasure view. Sometimes it can be down right painful. However, it is necessary at times.

And if we allow ourselves that freedom to accept when we were wrong the rewards always are better than the pain. In the long run.

For the Lord uses such situations to teach and correct, not to punish. To help us grow and not to make us sad.

Embracing this can be such a struggle. It can truly be a stumbling block to growth when we want to do things our way.

Which is often the case with those who aren’t really trusting the Lord. They may have all the religious trappings, just not the truth.

So surrender becomes a real hardship. Being able to offer up one’s will for the Lord’s will is very difficult.

Again the joy that comes in the process is so much of a worthwhile experience. And it can be very freeing.

You suddenly don’t have to be perfect any longer. You can feel relaxed about your flaws and enjoy the sense of forgiveness.

For me that has been such a blessing. I used to fret that somebody I would have to take off my mask.

Then the Lord took it off for me. And what a relief it brought. I was truly blessed with a new sense of freedom.

The mirror didn’t represent a place of sadness any longer.


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