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Thursday, October 16, 2008


The core of one’s relationship with the Lord. So often spoken about as necessary to the one’s salvation.

And there are whole books devoted to the subject. To the idea of THE Faith as in Christian and individual faith.

So often it is mentioned, so often talked about, but sadly it often never ends up being understood. And some define it in so many different ways.

Yet, they don’t seem to make it simple enough to really affect life. To make it a choice of trust in God.

I don’t think we all have the same levels of abilities in life as a rule. So it only follows that it applies to faith also.

So what happens it become lost in the middle of traditions and rituals. They are the symbols of our inspiration.

And it is really hard to honestly grasp where faith starts and belief ends. On the many differences between the passive nature of thought and what drives you to do more.,

But the good news to me is that regardless of the level of our faith, God’s grace still covers our lives. He knows our weaknesses and loves us anyway.

Some would make it sound like He only cares about those that follow some set of rules they define. How said that is.

Guilt always is used to reinforce this aspect. It doesn’t inspired, but it does make the person so inclined to give up.

How said it is when we are forced to the point of feeling so ashamed and guilty we think God doesn’t love us anymore. What a tragedy that can be.

But that is part of the process of discovery we all go through. To measure what we are willing to truly trust against what we are told.

Tragic is the time when we discover we were lied to. That it was the voice that was wrong who didn’t really speak for God.

And so regrettable is the sadness if a saint faints from the process. To redeem with a chance for renewal is always the blessing desired.

Some will find the path despite such teachings other drift away. But thank goodness God is merciful.
For He often finds us wherever we drift.


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