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Monday, October 20, 2008


This is a wonderful feeling. That you are somehow decent and kind. And so many really do try and cling to it.

Which is fine if it were really true. However, it isn’t. The reality is that according to the Lord none of us is good.

Not at least by God’s standard of goodness. There in lies the primary problem. We don’t like that option.

It is true that there is a difference between people. The average churchgoer is more apt to be less a criminal perhaps than say a devout felon.

But that still doesn’t constitute good. It doesn’t translate into perfect behavior or even kindness.

Thus even when we want to do right, sin often still prevails. The problem is that as Christians we might be prone to treat it as other than a problem.

I think this stems mainly from an inability to appreciate grace. To have a need to barter with God over our sins.

We sit down and tell God all the good things we did that somehow make up for the sins. But then don’t.

Oh we do so often try to make it sound like we did nothing wrong. How many times I’ve heard that.

Problem is that it isn’t true. And it isn’t necessary either. For God accepts us as we are. That is the nature of grace.

Just doesn’t allow us the freedom to boast. Prevents us from the ability to claim salvation by our works.

Ah that is so annoying. All our efforts to be good are of no avail in heaven. That is the part we often just ignore.

And it is the measure of when we base our salvation on something other than faith. How often that happens.

It is such a subtle aspect too. Often going unnoticed in the dialogue of churches. They talk about faith, but really don’t believe it.

Just a test that is obvious when the nature is revealed. And that happens to often. Those times when we just have to justify our wrongs.

Works for everyone we talk to, but never the Lord.


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