I'm not a drinker myself. And even in my earlier years when I did sip a drink or two, I never liked wine.
For some reason it always made me sick at my stomach. So I could hardly warm up to the idea of drinking any.
But wine in a spiritual sense I think has to deal with more of how the Holy Spirit impacts a person's life. That ability to influence in away that is other than routine.
Course in the days of the scriptures wine was a very common form of drink. It was at a time when there was few other options.
They didn't have refrigeration or other means to preserve things so turning grapes into wine was a natural form of alternative. And though there have been some that have claimed that they prefer a grape juice alternative the plain fact is that they used wine of the usual type.
Once again the traditions of some men took precedence over the truth. How often this occurred.
And naturally it never did in fact convey the major issue. Which is when the Lord spoke of "new" wine He was truly speaking of something that was different.
A change that meant a different view of life. An newness that affected the heart with a different need.
In a time when people had elevated the law as priority they had forget what was really important. And that was the new wine of a spiritual nature.
The type that in some way impacted the way one view God. For they are taken the old wine of tradition and made it a vinegar
It did not bring joy or any of the things they true spirituality was supposed to represent. And they lost any flavor of its meaning.
For without the capacity to influence our thinking and how we feel it is not a wine that truly blessed. And if they taste is sour how will it be enjoyed?
Such is the nature of spiritual wine. It is of a rare vintage that never truly blessed. Some keep drinking it no matter what.
They will never embrace the Lord's choice. That is not the choice they prefer. Because the flavor never appeals.
It is just so much easier to put up with vinegar you can have by your own choice.
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