The Lord is go very good and knowing our heart. He can find the one part of our life we hold most sacred and make sure that we are tested on if we cherish it more than Him.
And He will put us in the position to test that reality. It may not result in us having to give up what we hold as a treasure, but we will have to let ourselves be willing to make the sacrifice.
Such is the challenge we don't always accept. The times it brings us to some crossroads where we truly are force to face what we really value.
It is never easy. That can be the part we have the most difficulty embrace. And the problem with the life of faith is that it always will dig at our values.
I don't care if the person has live a hundred years, we never get to retire from this challenge. There is no place we reach that we get to rest and take it easy.
Some feel Heaven is a type of amusement park. Place where all our dreams come true and we get to do whatever we want.
But the truth is different. It is the abode of God. The place where the Lord reigns and that is always going to be true.
This means it is a place of obedience. A place to learn and serve. The dwelling where we become the joy that pleases the Lord.
To focus on ourselves and only make it our priority is to treat it as our paradise. That we get a chance to be our own dream.
God is always loving and caring. He always blesses with joy, but also doesn't let us forget He is the one who is on the throne.
In love and faith we find the path He plans for us. It is what should be and not what we think is our preference.
I've known so many that thought otherwise. They defined eternity by their own values.
And made should ought to be would.
Always based on their idea of would. It sounds great and we think we are so blessed in that mode.
But to the Lord it is simply our desires magnified. This never brings the path that God truly honors.
Even if it sounds great to us in the process. Which is how the devil will always leave us feeling is true.
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