Having arms and using them by God's will are never the same thing. We often prefer to use them for our own needs first.
Then after we are exhausted and done all we want, it is okay Lord I'm ready to do as you wish. Just let me take a break first.
That might sound you know very exaggerated, but I do think it does often come closer to the truth than we wish to admit.
How said it is when we don't keep our priorities strait. It really not all the complicated. For the Lord does understand our needs.
But He does know our heart also and that means He can tell when we say one thing, but mean another. Even if we don't admit it.
It is so easy to sit down and justify our actions. God won't prevent us from doing so. He does grant us freedom of choice.
Only problem is when we want to be blessed for being stubborn. Like I know I did it my way, but I want the Lord to fix my mistake.
It really is one of those aspects to human nature that isn't a good element. Our tendency to define things by our own priorities.
I remember listening to this preacher who made faith out to be an Aladdin's lamp. One of those approaches were you can have your heaven on earth.
There wasn't any mention of doing anything for the Lord out of love. Oh being willing to sacrifice out of obedience.
It was all about the need to get rich. Oh he had plenty of verses to interpret scriptures in a way that supported his point of view.
Such people always do. Even if their interpretation isn't true. Even if it does leave people false expectations.
Which in the end if it is not rooted in truth, then it never results in their beating any real blessing from the Lord. Not the kind that guides towards faith and salvation.
Oh it might lead to distraction. It might guide some to the path other than one God is directing.
Which never in the end is the least bit of a real value. And none of these prosperity teachers naturally talk about those who don't end up rich.
They treat it as a bad witness, when in truth they are the real false witnessess.
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