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Friday, September 12, 2008


I have to admit that I am one of those who is easily noticeable in terms of my emotions. Not good at all at faking them.

And most people who know me at all are aware of this fact. Not one I regard with great pride.

But it is part of who I am. And that is okay. Providing you are able to accept this as being and aspect of your essence.

Some can, some can't. I think honesty matters in that regard. Better to tell the truth about any flaws or habits than deny them.

A lot can't seem to handle that. They will make up stories to cover their shortcomings. And that is never something that gets good results.

Besides most people will notice anyway, regardless of what we say. So pretending seldom improves things.

I was listening to this preacher last night on television. And part of what he said made sense.

But the truth was he as mainly about making money. Faith to him was about getting rich.
And naturally it made him very popular.

Sadly this even though he had a gift for tugging at passion's sleeve, it wasn't God message he was sharing.

Oh he sure did peddle the hope. And in greenbacks too. Yes, if you wanted your heaven here on earth, he was your man.

I couldn't help think of those who gave and were faithful who never got rich. They didn't do anything wrong.

Just were part of the host of life who do not get rich or know a path filled with gold. Yet it doesn't mean they are not saved.

That was sort of implied by his comments. As if you were going to heaven if you didn't have a big bank account.

So he made it out to be a case that if you wanted more listen to him, but if you didn't then don't. Guilt laced in that comment.

It is sad when the gospel gets dollar signs. And that somehow you are left feeling inadequate if you dont.

Which is other than the gospel of grace as the Lord would bless.


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