I guess the concept of a lair has always appeal to me. It is that place to me of shelter and preservation.
Somewhere you feel comfortable and the place has part of your life in its essence. A truly wonderful environment where you are at peace.
I think these happen at different times in life. Some place we are able to dwell for a while, but it not heaven.
What makes it a lair for the person will vary, but they truly are a terrific climate to experience. Providing they are not a prison.
It can become one if a person treats it as permanent. If one gets so acclimated to it that they refuse to change.
How often that can happen, especially as we get older. Just the desire to keep the same lifestyle and situation.
But the Lord will truly want us always to have a test for our faith. He might not remove us from our environment, but may stir up our feelings.
That sense of insecure that makes us examine our values. What sadness when we don't do that.
I have seen so many who become so engrained in their need for sameness it become a prison. They can't in anyway change.
They will treat going to church and routine as prove of blessings. Not the reality that it is a spiritual death.
The lair becomes a cocoon. They fall asleep and never wake up. The whole time thinking they are living such a complete life.
God doesn't take away something if we don't learn in the process. If we simply keep clinging to the same gold, He would stop us.
What gets lost is any blessing. The real changes that will truly help us see and want more from our Lord.
So in the flesh, life seems so prosperous. But on a spiritual level it is poverty. Just for the person it becomes business as usual.
And the whole truth and need gets sacrifice. But there is no pain. The person is just too busy thinking they are the Lord's favorite.
How sad they never see the reality they are so poor in terms of faith.
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