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Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Water truly does play an important part in life. We could hardly survive without it. And it composes most of the planet in many ways.

But even if water is necessary for our life, how many times we crave some other version, such as pop or coffee. It doesn't mean we don't like water, just that we prefer variety.

Even though water is also found in all of those options too. Such is the irony perhaps, that we give water a different appearance or taste and it makes us happy.

Still it doesn't diminish our need for water. Nor will it change while we are alive no matter how we try.

In the scriptures the Holy Spirit is sometimes symbolized as water. A fluid that washes the soul, refreshes the heart and cleanses the mind.

But the Holy Spirit will come in the manner that is natural and not artificial. He doesn't sugar His presence according to our desires.

However, for some that is not enough. They will never be contest with the honest and true way the Lord touched.

If it doesn't have that soda pop fix then it needs to be spiced up. We have to offer some zing to make it more appealing.

Which is what happens in some houses of worship. Oh it is not enough to have the Lord present.

To have Him bless in ways that are simple and loving. There need to be thunderbolts in the body.

If one doesn't feel it then it isn't really the Lord's spirit that is there. This is the suggestion.

Of course God isn't required to display His power according to our wishes. It is not His requirement for faith that we see prove that He exists.

Only for some that will be a need. They will always expect the Lord to entertain. And it becomes their spiritual fix.

How sad it truly is when we require this kind of drink. To not be content with the pure and simply way the Lord will wash over our lives.

But that is a reality that is a part of human nature. Not always a good one, but one that si true just the same.

I am grateful for what ways the Holy Spirit does work in my life, even if it doesn't always leave me with something to boast about.


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