You don't have to be an apostle or minister to be a target of Satan's forces. None of us really can always know what contribution we make in terms of eternity.
And there are times when it isn't something we will truly understand. For there is no reason for us to know.
Now I do appreciate when there are those who think they are being attacked by Satan when in fact it is the result of their behavior. If one is naturally abrasive and insulting it will not make you popular.
Do that enough and you can be sure some grief will come your way. Which is really sad when the person doesn't recognize it
There is a big difference from evangelism and abuse. We are to reach out, but that doesn't mean we have to grab people by the throat.
Too many do that. And never have a clue that they are not really helping themselves or the lord. Just the sad way of seeing people who end up thinking they are so faithful and all they do is upset people for the wrong reasons.
This will result in so many bad consequences. Only they will never admit it. They will just blame it on the devil and being persecuted.
What is missed is that they are prime targets of Satan, but as his pawns. They will scurry about being beating with their bibles and make God out to be a bully.
And what is a tragedy is how above all the person remains blind to his behavior. The individual just keeps plotting away with hate consuming.
It never changes and never does the person see the truth. Just keep peddling the dogma of bias and ignorance.
Does this ever result in a change within the heart? A chance for true redemption? It can if the person ever accepts God's hammer.
That is when he hits the person up the side of the head with wake up call. It can be painful and very humiliating, but necessary.
However, God won't do this if the person heart is too harden to listening or responding. That never will improves things.
In the winds of time we fly by wings of many feathers. Some come from the Lord others from dark source.
We were soar depends on the choices we make in terms of if we flap our wings or let God's spirit do so.
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