Distances in seconds between the things we care about. And the things we desire. This can truly be so important.
Yet it is hard to feel those moments and not embrace how they have their struggle in our lives. Because we seek the dreams to be our gold, even if it fails in that regard to be true.
And then comes the time we have to wonder, is there really a point to such chaos? Always feeling that inner sense of turmoil.
Never being able to feel the peace we crave. And never being able to find the place where the dreams can be found other than at night.
To move beyond the valleys in between the places we crave requires faith. We might not have a road map, but the Lord does.
And though the directions might not always make sense, nor satisfy, we still are better off following his lead than our own path. Providing we can keep ourselves focused on reading his map.
That is so often found in the promises of his word. A trite answer to be sure, but doesn't mean it isn't true.
The struggle comes when we listen to much to other's opinions. When we decide somebody's opinion is more important than the Lord's.
Do enough and the detours will appear. Somebody will offer up their version of truth and to please them we will accept it.
However, God's path is the only one the leads towards home. That place where God truly wants us to be.
It is always more comfortable and peaceful than when we follow somebody's directions to a campground where we have to dwell in their tent. Like that every helps.
Such is the nature of being human. Approval has such powerful hands to strangle our reason.
It just will not end in the place we truly need to be. So we can listen when somebody shows of their post cards from their version of heaven.
This will often be a brush job of distortion. So underneath it lies some dump. And that will always be less than a pleasant option.
To follow the Lord always means enduring being around guides how are not truly helpful. Only God's spirit can give us ears to know the difference.
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