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Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Faces that past out of our lives, hearts we lose touch with for one reason or another, it all is part of the changing aspects of life. And then when you do finally meet the person again, it is never the same.

The void has severed the same intensity of reaction. Even if we want to reclaim we might have trouble with the reaching that same point of feelings.

The other day I had a phone call from a former co-worker. He was cordial on the phone and we chatted a bit. His purpose in calling was to check on some business.

But after that part we discussed the past. It was amazing how time had colored his impression of the facts.

Which is his right, even if it doesn't in any way translate into reality. I know I too suffer from the same malady, but I do try to bring some balance to my thoughts by including the facts.

By the end of the conversation he mentioned it would be nice to meet again. So we talked about him coming over to my house that week.

He took down my phone number and promised to call during the week. However, I knew in reality he would never call or come by.

Why, because unlike him, I remember his nature from the past. He was just being social to get the information he wanted.

And he had done that before. Only he never actually kept most of his promises. So I knew he wouldn't in this situation.

Which turned out to be the case. Was I disappointed? Not really. I might of if he had truly changed from his past nature. However, I knew that hadn't been true.

So while he loved spending time rewriting the past, I just remembered it as it was. And the same also holds true with the Lord.

We can attempt to rewrite our sins when in our prayer time. It might even sound good when we say it, but in the end, God will see the truth.

And part of eternity is Him helping us to see its truth. That can be a painful journey, but in the end one that helps us see what we didn't see before.

And that brings growth in the death. Which blesses with special ways that help us beyond any tears.

Providing we don't get blind in the process.


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