I wish this was a case of always bringing smiles. But it seems the world is far too full of information that does not sound uplifting.
Some prefer to evade facing this issue. They like to see the good in everyone. A commendable approach. Even better if such acts of redemption.
But you know, if kept in focus, we do not sin is not some temporary condition. It will linger in life no matter what we do.
Such is the sad reality by which we must live and reside in this realm. But that doesn't mean we can still try and find things hopeful in life.
I only wish we truly made more effort to find something good, which could be broadcasts instead of just bad. However, curiosity does seem do demand that approach.
We can always retreat to that realm. Of surrendering to the shadows and not to the light. To only decide all is lost and can not rise to the moment of importance.
But then we must obey our inner essence. That is to often full of things we don't like to think about.
Such as hate. I can't believe the people I have known that won't admit they can hate. It is as if they are immune to being hurt.
There is a difference between having hate and acting on it. Hate is the heat of pride and react to injustice.
But it doesn't have to burn in way that controls our fingers. I think so often there is a fine line between when we hate and when we simply let it flow through some bias.
That happens to often when we refuse to honestly accept what is inside our spirits. Pretending it doesn't exists never brings any really solutions.
Suppressed hate only turns to some other form of expression. Which is still hate even if we don't admit it.
The Lord spoke of if we hate in our heart is has the same meaning as actually murdering someone. But hating in the heart also includes when we don't admit it.
Just a matter of how one cares to define such things. And to call hate as anything other than hate is to simply live in denial.
Apart from such views there are the truths we all must face in life. Being human includes having both light and dark energies. Just not accepting them as the control of life when they have darkness is what makes the difference.
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