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Thursday, September 13, 2007


To travel by the mind into the realm of secrets and questions is to open the soul to places not always traveled by others. Not that we can always tell for sure.

For God can open veils in our lives to be able to see things that were always there, but we didn't notice before. It can be a wonderful and rewarding experience, but not always one you can explain to somebody else.

Because it touches at God's spirit leads. He can bring us to a point of vision that makes the world so much different than imagined.

But we can never make this journey by logic or what others define as good or sensible. It is always a pilgrimage intended to teach. So such visions, touching by spiritual messages or simple revelations are always mean to inspire.

They will be tailored to our senses. To let us see clearly what we need to know. And it will not spare us the feelings intended.

For God has a desire to bless us in such situations. To communicate a thought or image that truly overpowers us in a good way.

The whole time we might not even appreciate the reality. We may avoid embracing what is intended.

God will not force light into our being. He never takes us to a place we refuse to journey by our own will.

But if we embrace what is intended, it can truly inspire and help us see the world differently. Granting us mercy, giving us understanding, adding peace to our existence.

All intended to help inspire more faith. To let us move in great appreciation towards more reality.

Then we will see the mystical as really an expression of God's beauty. A place where he lets us see part of heaven.

When we travel that path, inspiration washes over our lives. We dream a better world in which to live.

Life doesn't necessarily get perfect, but we do savor its blessing more. Perhaps the best mystical part being that we discover how much God truly loves us.

That is worth so much more than all the secrets we think we need to know. And that is a trip for the heart that ends with a better destination so much more peaceful and joyful than any others we might travel.

For that we are always to celebrate when we see it clearly.


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