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Friday, March 30, 2007


Today's agenda if for today. We are to probe the future with a certain appreciation for how it is not guaranteed. We can make plans, but should never view tomorrow as the perfect time to fix problems we didn't deal with today by choice.

There has to be a balance in our thinking. We have to be wise enough to prepare for things like emergencies and such, but also not make or insecurities force us to miss out on the things we should be doing today.

Using faith in ourselves to control our choices is not a good way to look at life. I have seen so many who do that.

They never seem to obtain what they want by fretting over priorities that are mainly the result of their insecurities and not necessarily based on real issues. But that is what people do of course.

Not everyone, but some. People who truly may go to church and even think they have faith, but really don't.

It is manifest in them thinking only of their own needs. Of just focusing on the gifts and blessings God gives them as being for their use. I've even seen parents who denied their own children much needed aid, not because they couldn't help, but because they didn't want to take the money away from some investment so they could get even richer than they are.

There is nothing wrong with making money, but there are specific times when the lord has put us in the position of being the person he wants to deal with a given situation. He gives us his blessings that we might bless others in those situations.

That isn't true in all cases, just certain ones. But if we aren't sensitive to those occasions it can come back to haunt us.

If God does want us to do something special with our funds and we resist in order to save them for specific selfish means, he can easily take away the blessing. I've seen him do this at times.

How said it is when we cling to something we think will benefit us in the long run and never understand God can make sure if we don't listen to him, we lose the thing we feel we will be saving.

I always comes down to the simple issue of faith. We can talk about it, but there are times we have opportunities to actually act upon our convictions and not just talk.

Those are when we are truly tested for our nature. When we either grow or wither. The difference is up to us.

And God will never guide us to a point we can say, we had no chance to obey him.


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