Priority vary from mind to mind. And from moment by moment. But some people are so inclined to only regard themselves are the center of the universe. For them the only things that are significant in life reside within their lives.
When we prioritize life so it rises and sets only on our own little slice of the world, we so limit where our life can go. We want it to conform to our desires. Never asking the greater questions that really are important.
It can be really a challenge too if we end up doing that in the realm of what is important to the Lord. That is when we reach beyond our needs and touch only God's realm.
Instead of asking the important questions about what is important to him, we translate it according to our own values. And then when one tries to give it some spiritual slant it really gets absurd.
God understands we are creatures of flaws and habits. We get selfish and concerned about our own priorities.
Which is why he tries to grant us provision for what is important. That way, when we trust to him for our needs, we should be freer to ask the important questions in terms of his needs.
That is how things ought to work. Only in a lot of situations it never ends up reality. Instead, house of worship become political arenas where everything, but the will of god gets deal with.
Sometimes we actually manage to look passed our own needs. Others we do not. Fortunately, God isn't limited to us in terms of accomplishing his will.
But the simple reality we must deal with at times I think is asking the tough question, when we serve God do we truly seek his will first? Or do we take the usual approach to filter what is right and true with significance given towards our own concerns.
Somewhere in all the insanity of gratifying our own desires, God still works his will. There are occasions when he must ignore those who claim to be his servants though.
They are too busy arguing over which one gets the best seat in the kingdom of heaven. Then naturally, with all that arguing going on, nothing gets accomplished that is suppose to be accomplished.
We call it meetings at times. Those can be wonderful places of dialogue or disasters. Hopefully in the middle of all of it, we listen too.
Then we can at least celebrate when God graces what is truly significant and not just what we care about.
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