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Monday, March 12, 2007


What draws the heart into an ache more intense that any other pain? We like to think our armor is invincible in terms of our self-control. That nothing can penetrate it regardless of the weapon used.

Temptation proves otherwise. We all have those pressure points when they are pressed hard enough will make our armor fall off.

Most of us are strong enough if faced with a direct threat we will resist. Those are obvious challenges.

However, the devil knows this and if we have deep seated desires we have suppressed he doesn't have to confront us with a direct challenge to our will. Instead, we can more often be corrupted in subtle and slow ways.

It is like a clump of snow melting on a tree branch. The melting that takes place starts from the inside. Outside will look the same for the longest time.

Until the inside is completely eroded away, then the clump will collapse. Spiritual decay works in a similar fashion. It happens to slowly and our thinking and feelings change so subtly we never appreciate till it is too late that such a change has occurred.

Then what makes sense to us as the layers of restraint have been peeled away will appear so acceptable. We will end up willing do what in another season seemed impossible.

The worse danger in such situations is if one has forged their resolve in the sands of right and wrong. Drawing a line of boundaries and saying I'll never cross over that line.

It sounds wonderful, but the more we set ourselves up with such walls, the more they are prone to crumbled in due season. And when they do, we feel the weight of our choice in a heaviness of guilt, often leading to real disasters in terms of consequences.

That is the type of danger that really pierces. Because is strikes are esteem and sense of control.

Sometimes when a person does violate that sense of self control it ends up creating an avalanche in our passions and we totally surrender to the moment. Then in some cases, we continue to decline, never thinking anything is different.

What is most important is remembering we are all human. When we stumble, we need to seek God's help to be lifted up again.

Sometimes in our shame, we prefer to hide from the Lord. That never improves the situation.

But in the heat of desire, we often only hear what satisfies the moment. That can be so deafening to our sounds of joy.


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