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Thursday, March 08, 2007


Memorable words I suppose. Remember because they were spoken by Judas to Jesus when a woman was anointing his feet lovingly with an expensive ointment.

We are told that Judas ask about why this waste under the excuse the ointment should have been sold to help the poor. But we are told in reality, Judas' motive was to have been given the money because he was in charge of the disciple's funds and had been stealing from it.

There was a bigger issue in this story that the suppose waste of funds. Is charity really the same thing when giving to a church as helping the poor? It depends on whom you ask.

Some see it as all the same. Mostly people who as a rule don't regard spirituality with any serious thought.

But God doesn't regard the two as the same. We are creatures of free will. So it puts upon the heart and conscious of man to face our charge in terms of the welfare of all creatures.

We aren't very good at that part. History doesn't exactly record our labor of love being the shining evidence of how we have responded to the needs of our fellow souls. Sin in its many forms cast its spell over our desires.

The lord doesn't always interfere in the ways of man. However, in the midst of all our pursuits of happiness, he does touch us with the urge to lift up our eyes and forge those altars of faith in our souls.

To a world that only translates life by need, when one's places more value on the soul than food, you are not view with respect. But there are times it is far more important for the sake of what matters in our relationship with God.

That is why on the surface where God is speaking to us for the sake of intimacy the language may seem strange or questionable to those who don't understand such things. Thus for example, such things as having this ornate temple built in a country mainly occupied by farmers would seem ridiculous. Yet, God still had Solomon build it. And it truly was far more ornate than people living off their crops needed. However, it didn't matter. It served a greater purpose that not everyone could appreciate.

Life truly belongs to the Lord. We can either accept it or ignore it. However, for those that do accept it, there will be times that the haunting words of why this waste will not shout as loud as the Lord's voice.

In the sky, we shall know the essence we embrace. It will fly regardless of the times we hear too many critics raising their voices to cast doubts upon our senses. Sometimes we have to hear with our souls instead of our ears.


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